
orrp MGG Visualizer

Updated by orrp

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
         # So that the graph is drawn as a grid
         pos = dict([(n, n) for n in self._graph.nodes()])
         # Draw rest of graph
-        print(pos)
         nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, node_color=GRAPH_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
                          edge_color=GRAPH_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
Updated by orrp

File Deleted

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
-# By orrp (
-# Draws the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction.
-# Click on nodes to highlight their neighbors and view the conductance
-# of the resulting set.
-import argparse
-import networkx as nx
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-SET_COLOR = '#FF0000'
-NODE_SIZE = None  # Defaults to something nice.
-def flatten(ll):
-    """Flattens a list of lists into a 1-dimensional list."""
-    return [x for l in ll for x in l]
-class MGG:
-    def __init__(self, n):
-        self._n = n
-        self._set = []
-        # Construct MGG_n
-        edges = [((x, y), v) for x in range(n)
-                 for y in range(n) for v in self.get_neighbors((x, y))]
-        self._graph = nx.Graph(edges)
-        self.draw()
-        # Listen for click
-        self.cid = plt.gca().figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self)
-    def set_set(self, new_set):
-        self._set = new_set
-    # The MGG construction
-    def plus(self, a, b):
-        return (a + b) % self._n
-    def S(self, u):
-        return u[0],[1], u[0])
-    def S_inverse(self, u):
-        return u[0],[1], -u[0])
-    def T(self, u):
-        return[0], u[1]), u[1]
-    def T_inverse(self, u):
-        return[0], -u[1]), u[1]
-    def get_neighbors(self, u):
-        """Returns list of all edges incident at u as a list of pairs"""
-        nbs = [self.S(u), self.S_inverse(u), self.T(u), self.T_inverse(u)]
-        nbs += [(u[0],[1], 1)), (u[0],[1], -1)),
-                ([0], 1), u[1]), ([0], -1), u[1])]
-        return nbs
-    # Drawing
-    def cross_edges(self, s, t):
-        """Returns a list of edges that cross from s to t, where s and t are lists of nodes."""
-        return [edge for edge in self._graph.edges()
-                if (edge[0] in s and edge[1] in t) or (edge[0] in t and edge[1] in s)]
-    def draw(self):
-        # So that the graph is drawn as a grid
-        pos = dict([(n, n) for n in self._graph.nodes()])
-        # Draw rest of graph
-        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, node_color=GRAPH_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
-                         edge_color=GRAPH_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
-        # Draw set edges
-        set_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, self._set)
-        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=self._set,
-                         node_color=SET_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
-                         edgelist=set_edges, edge_color=SET_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
-        # Draw boundary edges
-        set_complement = [u for u in self._graph.nodes() if u not in self._set]
-        boundary_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, set_complement)
-        boundary_nodes = [u for u in flatten(
-            boundary_edges) if u not in self._set]
-        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=boundary_nodes,
-                         node_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
-                         edgelist=boundary_edges, edge_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR,
-                         pos=pos, with_labels=False)
-        # Draw text
-        text = "S="
-        if self._set:
-            text += "{" + str(self._set)[1:-1] + "}"
-        else:
-            text += "∅"
-        set_density = min(len(self._set), len(set_complement))
-        if set_density > 0:
-            boundary_density = len(boundary_edges)
-            text += "\nΦ(S)=" + str(boundary_density) + "/" + str(set_density) + \
-                "≅" + str(boundary_density / float(set_density))
-        plt.gca().set_title(text)
-    # Handling user input
-    def closest_node(self, point):
-        return int(round(point[0])) % self._n, int(round(point[1])) % self._n
-    def __call__(self, event):
-        if event.inaxes != plt.gca().axes:
-            return
-        event_node = (self.closest_node((event.xdata, event.ydata)))
-        if event_node in self._set:
-            self._set = [u for u in self._set if u != event_node]
-        else:
-            self._set.append(event_node)
-        self.draw()
-        plt.gca().figure.canvas.draw()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Play around with the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction")
-    parser.add_argument(dest='n', type=int, metavar='n',
-                        help='modulus on which the graph will be constructed (integer)')
-    MGG(parser.parse_args().n)

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# By orrp (
+# Draws the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction.
+# Click on nodes to highlight their neighbors and view the conductance
+# of the resulting set.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import networkx as nx
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+SET_COLOR = '#FF0000'
+NODE_SIZE = None  # Defaults to something nice.
+def flatten(ll):
+    """Flattens a list of lists into a 1-dimensional list."""
+    return [x for l in ll for x in l]
+class MGG:
+    def __init__(self, n):
+        self._n = n
+        self._set = []
+        # Construct MGG_n
+        edges = [((x, y), v) for x in range(n)
+                 for y in range(n) for v in self.get_neighbors((x, y))]
+        self._graph = nx.Graph(edges)
+        self.draw()
+        # Listen for click
+        self.cid = plt.gca().figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self)
+    def set_set(self, new_set):
+        self._set = new_set
+    # The MGG construction
+    def plus(self, a, b):
+        return (a + b) % self._n
+    def S(self, u):
+        return u[0],[1], u[0])
+    def S_inverse(self, u):
+        return u[0],[1], -u[0])
+    def T(self, u):
+        return[0], u[1]), u[1]
+    def T_inverse(self, u):
+        return[0], -u[1]), u[1]
+    def get_neighbors(self, u):
+        """Returns list of all edges incident at u as a list of pairs"""
+        nbs = [self.S(u), self.S_inverse(u), self.T(u), self.T_inverse(u)]
+        nbs += [(u[0],[1], 1)), (u[0],[1], -1)),
+                ([0], 1), u[1]), ([0], -1), u[1])]
+        return nbs
+    # Drawing
+    def cross_edges(self, s, t):
+        """Returns a list of edges that cross from s to t, where s and t are lists of nodes."""
+        return [edge for edge in self._graph.edges()
+                if (edge[0] in s and edge[1] in t) or (edge[0] in t and edge[1] in s)]
+    def draw(self):
+        # So that the graph is drawn as a grid
+        pos = dict([(n, n) for n in self._graph.nodes()])
+        # Draw rest of graph
+        print(pos)
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, node_color=GRAPH_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edge_color=GRAPH_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw set edges
+        set_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, self._set)
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=self._set,
+                         node_color=SET_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edgelist=set_edges, edge_color=SET_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw boundary edges
+        set_complement = [u for u in self._graph.nodes() if u not in self._set]
+        boundary_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, set_complement)
+        boundary_nodes = [u for u in flatten(
+            boundary_edges) if u not in self._set]
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=boundary_nodes,
+                         node_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edgelist=boundary_edges, edge_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR,
+                         pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw text
+        text = "S="
+        if self._set:
+            text += "{" + str(self._set)[1:-1] + "}"
+        else:
+            text += "∅"
+        set_density = min(len(self._set), len(set_complement))
+        if set_density > 0:
+            boundary_density = len(boundary_edges)
+            text += "\nΦ(S)=" + str(boundary_density) + "/" + str(set_density) + \
+                "≅" + str(boundary_density / float(set_density))
+        plt.gca().set_title(text)
+    # Handling user input
+    def closest_node(self, point):
+        return int(round(point[0])) % self._n, int(round(point[1])) % self._n
+    def __call__(self, event):
+        if event.inaxes != plt.gca().axes:
+            return
+        event_node = (self.closest_node((event.xdata, event.ydata)))
+        if event_node in self._set:
+            self._set = [u for u in self._set if u != event_node]
+        else:
+            self._set.append(event_node)
+        self.draw()
+        plt.gca().figure.canvas.draw()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+        print("Python 3 or a more recent version is required.")
+        exit(1)
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Play around with the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction")
+    parser.add_argument(dest='n', type=int, metavar='n',
+                        help='modulus on which the graph will be constructed (integer)')
+    MGG(parser.parse_args().n)
Updated by orrp

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 # By orrp (
+# Draws the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction.
+# Click on nodes to highlight their neighbors and view the conductance
+# of the resulting set.
 import argparse
 import networkx as nx
Created by orrp

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# By orrp (
+import argparse
+import networkx as nx
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+SET_COLOR = '#FF0000'
+NODE_SIZE = None  # Defaults to something nice.
+def flatten(ll):
+    """Flattens a list of lists into a 1-dimensional list."""
+    return [x for l in ll for x in l]
+class MGG:
+    def __init__(self, n):
+        self._n = n
+        self._set = []
+        # Construct MGG_n
+        edges = [((x, y), v) for x in range(n)
+                 for y in range(n) for v in self.get_neighbors((x, y))]
+        self._graph = nx.Graph(edges)
+        self.draw()
+        # Listen for click
+        self.cid = plt.gca().figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self)
+    def set_set(self, new_set):
+        self._set = new_set
+    # The MGG construction
+    def plus(self, a, b):
+        return (a + b) % self._n
+    def S(self, u):
+        return u[0],[1], u[0])
+    def S_inverse(self, u):
+        return u[0],[1], -u[0])
+    def T(self, u):
+        return[0], u[1]), u[1]
+    def T_inverse(self, u):
+        return[0], -u[1]), u[1]
+    def get_neighbors(self, u):
+        """Returns list of all edges incident at u as a list of pairs"""
+        nbs = [self.S(u), self.S_inverse(u), self.T(u), self.T_inverse(u)]
+        nbs += [(u[0],[1], 1)), (u[0],[1], -1)),
+                ([0], 1), u[1]), ([0], -1), u[1])]
+        return nbs
+    # Drawing
+    def cross_edges(self, s, t):
+        """Returns a list of edges that cross from s to t, where s and t are lists of nodes."""
+        return [edge for edge in self._graph.edges()
+                if (edge[0] in s and edge[1] in t) or (edge[0] in t and edge[1] in s)]
+    def draw(self):
+        # So that the graph is drawn as a grid
+        pos = dict([(n, n) for n in self._graph.nodes()])
+        # Draw rest of graph
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, node_color=GRAPH_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edge_color=GRAPH_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw set edges
+        set_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, self._set)
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=self._set,
+                         node_color=SET_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edgelist=set_edges, edge_color=SET_COLOR, pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw boundary edges
+        set_complement = [u for u in self._graph.nodes() if u not in self._set]
+        boundary_edges = self.cross_edges(self._set, set_complement)
+        boundary_nodes = [u for u in flatten(
+            boundary_edges) if u not in self._set]
+        nx.draw_networkx(self._graph, nodelist=boundary_nodes,
+                         node_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR, node_size=NODE_SIZE,
+                         edgelist=boundary_edges, edge_color=BOUNDARY_COLOR,
+                         pos=pos, with_labels=False)
+        # Draw text
+        text = "S="
+        if self._set:
+            text += "{" + str(self._set)[1:-1] + "}"
+        else:
+            text += "∅"
+        set_density = min(len(self._set), len(set_complement))
+        if set_density > 0:
+            boundary_density = len(boundary_edges)
+            text += "\nΦ(S)=" + str(boundary_density) + "/" + str(set_density) + \
+                "≅" + str(boundary_density / float(set_density))
+        plt.gca().set_title(text)
+    # Handling user input
+    def closest_node(self, point):
+        return int(round(point[0])) % self._n, int(round(point[1])) % self._n
+    def __call__(self, event):
+        if event.inaxes != plt.gca().axes:
+            return
+        event_node = (self.closest_node((event.xdata, event.ydata)))
+        if event_node in self._set:
+            self._set = [u for u in self._set if u != event_node]
+        else:
+            self._set.append(event_node)
+        self.draw()
+        plt.gca().figure.canvas.draw()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Play around with the Margulis-Gabber-Galil construction")
+    parser.add_argument(dest='n', type=int, metavar='n',
+                        help='modulus on which the graph will be constructed (integer)')
+    MGG(parser.parse_args().n)

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