$PATH variable environment reinitialized

Issue #41 closed
Cyril MONJEAUD created an issue


during my docker image build, I use the ENV Dockefile command in order to add some pathways to the PATH variable.

With Godocker, it seems to have a reset of the $PATH variable because it becomes


Am I right?

Comments (4)

  1. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    Script is wrapped to be executed as a different user (plus godocker specific setup), so Docker image env is dropped (as well as entrypoint). There is no way to know which env variables are set by docker (vs other ones).

    If binary should be in PATh, well it should be in /usr/bin (or symlinked).....

    Anyway, I gonna test to see if I could save the original env and reload it when executing script as user.

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