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OscaR / hg

Start modeling in eclipse

  1. Get the Scala eclipse plugin
  2. Make a new scala project
  3. Add oscar.jar to your project and in the classpath of your project (nightly build should be available soon)
  4. If you want to use LP and MIP also specify the native library location corresponding to your OS. The binaries for linux, windows and macos can be downloaded here (here)

Edit the source from Eclipse

  1. Get the Scala eclipse plugin
  2. Import the project in Eclipse Workspace: Import > General > Existing Projects in Workspace
  3. The .classpath file is not commited, add all the libraries in lib into the classpath of the project (right click on the project > Java Build Path > Libraries (tab). You should add glpk-java.jar,, junit-4.10.jar, lpsolve55.jar, scalatest-1.6.1.jar.
  4. Note that lpsolve and glpk need the jni binary. You can also specify that by giving a native library location to those .jar corresponding to your OS. The binaries for linux, windows and macos are given in /lib folder of the project (here).
  5. The package are defined as oscar... So you should tell eclipse that source folders are src/main/java, src/main/scala, src/test/java, src/test/scala


The project is build using SBT 0.11.1 You\'ll need sbt to run the test suite and build the assembly jar. To run the testsuite you should add the binaries for glpk and lp_solve on the library path of sbt. For instance my macos script for sbt is:
