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OscaR / oscar-linprog-userinstall

This page explains how to download, install and use OscaR-linprog on your computer.

Run one of the provided examples

  1. Install SBT (
  2. Download the zip of the pre-configured project here
  3. Unzip the file and open a terminal at the root of the unziped folder
  4. Start sbt in your terminal with the parameter defining your OS (replace YOUROS by macos64, linux64, win32, win64 according to your OS)

    >> sbt -Djava.library.path=lib/YOUROS/

  5. In the sbt console, you can run one of provided example

    >> run

Create IntelliJ project

  1. Follow the instructions 1-4 from the first section
  2. In the sbt console, enter the following command

    >> gen-idea

  3. From IntelliJ: open existing project and select the root directory

Create eclipse project

  1. Follow the instructions 1-4 from the first section
  2. In the sbt console, enter the following command

    >> eclipse

  3. From eclipse: Import existing project and select the root directory
