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OscaR / release-process

Release process

This page describes the release process of the oscar library.

We produce the release version using this procedure :

  1. Fix a release number x.y.z (e.g., 4.0.0)
  2. Update the version parameter in the project/OscaRBuild.scala file according to x.y.z
  3. Create the branch release-x.y.z from dev
  4. Build the library with the release number x.y.z
  5. Upload the build into the Artifactory server using the //sbt publish// command
  6. Tag the last commit in the branch release-x.y.z as release-x.y.z
  7. Announce the release
  1. Merge branch release-x.y.z into master
  2. Merge branch release-x.y.z into dev
