EventBaseConfig::FEATURE_FDS not supported on Windows

Issue #53 resolved
Nikita Makarov created an issue

Possibly library does not support FEATURE_FDS on Windows

More details here https://github.com/reactphp/event-loop/issues/189

I'm using precompiled binaries for PHP 7.1 TS from here https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/event/2.4.2/

Comments (6)

  1. Ruslan Osmanov repo owner

    Fixed issue #53: EventBase::__construct now throws EventException if the features specified via the EventConfig parameter are not supported on the current platform.

    → <<cset ffc2f18c9988>>

  2. Ruslan Osmanov repo owner


    Well, the fact that the constant is available doesn't mean that the feature itself is supported on any platform. But I must admit, the current API doesn't provide a good way to check if a feature is supported. So I've changed EventBase::__construct so that it throws EventException in case if libevent fails to construct event_base with the features passed via EventConfig.

  3. Ruslan Osmanov repo owner

    I would rather let the PECL system to build the binaries =) I have no the appropriate Windows build environment right now.

    Well, I'll publish a new PECL package then.

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