Bug on delivery?

Issue #172 resolved
Former user created an issue

I get the following error when I try to deliver a shipment.

[ INFO] [1554995839.768574102, 9.167000000]: Announcing order: order_0
[ERROR] [1554995942.251601951, 40.906000000]: agv1::kit_tray_1::kit_tray_1::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo
[ERROR] [1554995942.252541255, 40.906000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv1' delivery triggered
[ INFO] [1554995946.012338406, 41.658000000]: AGV successfully triggered.

The AGV delivers the tray, but even though there are parts in it, the score remains 0. I used qual_a_2 to try it out, but even with custom ones it doesn't work

Comments (8)

  1. Shane Loretz

    Those error statements can be ignored; they should actually be info.

    Are you sure the shipment is being delivered to the correct AGV? qual_a_2 requires the first shipment to be delivered via agv1 and the second via agv2.

    The following works fine for me. If it doesn't work for you, mind posting the output of these commands?

    Spawn qual_a_2 with perfect shipments already on the trays

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/quals/qual_a_2.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/quals/shipments/qual_a_2.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml --development-mode --verbose

    In another terminal:

    $ rosservice call /ariac/start_competition
    success: True
    message: "competition started successfully!"
    $ rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_0'"
    success: True
    message: ''
    $ rostopic echo -n 1 /ariac/current_score
    data: 15.0
    $ rosservice call /ariac/agv2 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_1'"
    success: True
    message: ''
    $ rostopic echo -n 1 /ariac/current_score
    data: 30.0
  2. Steven Gray

    No idea if this is the same issue, but I had some test code that called gazebo_ros spawn_model to test getting parts on trays. I had to modify it to spawn the parts a little above the tray, then wait for them to drop onto the tray.

    Good way to check is to see how many parts Gazebo says are on the tray, and if gazebo creates fixed joints between parts and tray when you submit. This info probably only prints out if osrf_gear is set to verbose.

  3. Francesco Rovida

    When trying the execution on docker with the sample.yaml trial, I get the following error when delivering:

    [ERROR] [1555091338.103465212, 91.947000000]: agv1::kit_tray_1::kit_tray_1::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo
    [ERROR] [1555091338.104798886, 91.947000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv1' delivery triggered
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
      what():  Resource deadlock avoided
    Aborted (core dumped)
    ================================================================================REQUIRED process [gazebo-3] has died!
    process has died [pid 87, exit code 134, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -u --verbose -e ode -r --record_period 0.01 --record_path=/home/ariac/.ariac/log/gazebo /tmp/ariac/gear.world __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/ariac/.ros/log/0cb41eb6-5d4a-11e9-92ba-0242ac120016/gazebo-3.log].
    log file: /home/ariac/.ros/log/0cb41eb6-5d4a-11e9-92ba-0242ac120016/gazebo-3*.log
    Initiating shutdown!
  4. Shane Loretz

    @fraR Mind opening a new issue for that one?

    Do you see that every time or only sometimes? I don't see it on my machine. Do you have an example I can use to reproduce it? What are the values of the fields in the service request being sent?

    Here's what I'm running

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml --verbose

    And in another terminal

    $ rosservice call /ariac/start_competition
    success: True
    message: "competition started successfully!"
    $ rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_0'"
    success: True
    message: ''
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