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ariac / 2018 / qualifiers / qual2_scenarios

Details of the scenarios used in the second qualification task

This page details the specifics of the scenarios that are used in the second and final ARIAC 2018 qualification task.

The following applies to both scenarios:

  • The trials have a time limit of 500 simulation seconds. Any unsubmitted shipments when the time limit has elapsed will not be scored. Subscribe to the /clock topic to know the current simulation time.
  • The use of any 'cheat' interfaces is not permitted and will be blocked in the automated evaluation setup.
  • The automated evaluation setup will also prevent sensors from resuming data publishing during the sensor blackout period if subscribers connect to them.

Part A

Part A is released for teams to practice with. It can be run with the following command, being sure to specify your team's environment configuration file:

rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share --first-only osrf_gear`/config/quals/qual2a.yaml <path_to_your_config_file>.yaml

By default simulation state logging is enabled in the trial config file. To disable it during development you can add --state-logging=no to the above invocation.

The scenario for Part A has the following characteristics:

  • There is one order of two shipments.
  • The order will be updated while it is being fulfilled.
    • Shipments will be evaluated against the updated order.
    • Teams should respond by filling the updated order instead of the original order.
  • The gripper will become faulty at various instances:
    • A disk_part will be dropped in the storage bin.
    • A gasket_part will be dropped in the shipping box.
  • Communication with the sensors will be lost for 30 simulation seconds.
    • Teams should continue to fill the order as usual during this time.

Part B

Part B is not released for teams to practice with. In Part B teams will be presented with a previously unseen scenario and their software must be able to adapt appropriately.

The scenario for Part B has the following characteristics:

  • All agility challenges released at 2 April 2018 may be present (see this page for challenge descriptions):
    • Faulty products.
    • High-priority order interruption.
    • Flipped products (only the pulley_part product can be flipped).
    • Insufficiently many non-faulty products available for order completion.
    • Updates to an existing order.
    • Faulty gripper leading to dropped products.
    • Lost sensor communication leading to sensor blackout.
  • There will be at most two orders, each made up of at most 2 shipments.
  • The same 5 storage bins used in Part A will be positioned in the environment.
    • Some storage bins may be empty.
    • There will be at most one type of product per bin.
  • Users do not have control over the positioning of the quality control sensors, they will be in the same location as for Part A.
  • The following product types may be used in the order(s): gear_part, piston_rod_part, pulley_part, gasket_part, and disk_part.
    • Logical cameras will refer to model types by these names. They will also report shipping_box models.
    • Pulleys are the only products that can be requested to be flipped.
    • All products will start in the storage bins un-flipped.
