separate single package into libraries

Issue #96 resolved
Joe Blue created an issue

Find all packages that import a certain package

here is a simple example: its telling me al the pakcages that import ""

Because you have facetted search, i was thinking that its also very useful for each package to also be able to do this.

Like when you find a great package, but there is no example code, and so you want to see others peoples projects where they used the package.

Also its a good to be able to see how popular a package is. This is often a good indication of the usefulness & maturity of the code

Comments (5)

  1. Shinichiro Abe repo owner

    Have you ever seen the example dir? Write one line when importing: import 'package:ducene/ducene.dart';

    And if you want to use SembastIndexDirectory[1], Add one more line: import 'package:ducene/ducene_sb.dart';

    You can see the test code: test/sb/sembast_index_directory_test.dart.


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