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Word Dungeons / Week 2 Log

Week 2

This second week of the project had me working on my first sprint — three user stories that were chosen during class time.

User Stories Completed in this Sprint

  1. Finish the game design document (GDD). This was completed, although the GDD is kind of a dynamic entity, so it will change as the project continues. This task was estimated at 1 hour and it took 1 hour.

  2. Write user stories. I wrote about a dozen more user stories, although I probably have another dozen or two to go before the project is complete. This task was estimated at 2 hours and it took 1 hour.

  3. Put together the framework for the game. Using Unity I created a new project and then imported the assets I suspect I’ll be using for the game. The list of assets can be found on the Word Dungeons wiki: Also available from that link is access to the source code repository for the project. This task was estimated at 3 hours and it took 5 hours.

Thinking Ahead Questions

Things I’m thinking about after this week’s work:

  1. I’m heavily relying on two assets that I’ve never used before (SpriteTile and Core GameKit). While they are widely used, they’re also very complex tools and I’m a little nervous about getting up to speed with them.
  2. Four-direction sprites are not common, so I’m thinking of ways I might be able to use two-direction sprites (left and right) for some of the minions to give more variety.
  3. I need to create the game with an eye toward taking it commercial after the semester is over, which means hard-coding stuff would be a worse idea than it usually is.

Time Spent This Week

Total time working on the above user stories was 7 hours. There was also another 4-6 hours spent experimenting with some of the imported assets that I haven’t used before, for a total of about 12 hours spent on the project this week.

Total: 12 hours.
