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OYSTER / 90_Percent_Memory_Warning

The purpose of the 90% Memory Warning is to alert users that OYSTER has been over 90% memory capacity for more than 10 minutes. This warning is for informational purposes only and does not pause or interrupt the current OYSTER run.

The 90% Memory Warning is a separate thread that is initiated with an OYSTER run. It checks the current allocated Heap size and the current Used Heap size. It calculates "Used Heap size"/"Allocated Heap size" and if the resulting percentage is larger than 90% for 10 minutes it will throw a warning. Java always keeps a larger Allocated Heap then the Used Heap and if the Used Heap needs more space Java will increase the size of the Allocated Heap to compensate for the required space. If the Used Heap size is greater than 90% of the Allocated Heap for longer than 10 minutes, this means that Java no longer has the ability to inflate the Allocated Heap since it is already inflated to the Max Heap size allowed. No additional options are required in any of the XML scripts to initiate the thread that handles the memory monitoring or the Memory Warning.

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