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OYSTER / Attribute_Based

As defined above, Attribute-Based matching depends on any combination of attributes from any records contained in a previously defined identity. This means that the first name, last name, and school code attribute for each record in the source must have a matching attribute in any record in the identity it is being compared against.

This is how the matching takes place:

1. Record "1|Sam|Jacobs|05071982|SC11" is selected.

2. The first name, last name and school code are noted: a. Sam, Jacobs, SC11 3. All records are selected from the identity:


          <Reference Value="A^source1.3|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071983|E^SC21"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.4|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.5|B^Samual|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>

4. The first name, last name, and school code are noted:

  a. Sam & Samual, Jacobs, SC21 & SC11

5. The attributes from the source and the identity record are compared

  a. Does Sam = Sam or Samual?

         i. Yes

  b. Does Jacobs = Jacobs?

         i. Yes

  c. Does SC11 = SC21 or SC11?

         i. Yes

6. Since all the matching rules are satisfied, it is determined that the source record is a match and it is now part of the identity.

7. The new identity would look like this:


<Identity Identifier="VUKPECCU0KHBJUDO" CDate="2011-06-14">
       <Reference Value="A^source1.3|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071983|E^SC21"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.4|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.5|B^Samual|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
         <Reference Value="A^source2.1|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>

8. Once the first record is matched, the process aborts for this identity and selects the next source record:

   a. 2|Samual|Jacobs|05071982|SC21

9. If you apply the same process to this source record you will see that it too matches and is part of the identity.

10. The final identity structure looks like:

<Identity Identifier="VUKPECCU0KHBJUDO" CDate="2011-06-14">
       <Reference Value="A^source1.3|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071983|E^SC21"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.4|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source1.5|B^Samual|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
         <Reference Value="A^source2.1|B^Sam|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC11"/>
       <Reference Value="A^source2.2|B^Samual|C^Jacobs|D^05071982|E^SC21"/>
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