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OYSTER / Attribute_Tag


<Attribute Item="Name" Algo="matchAlgoName" />

The Attributes tag has two attributes.

  • Item

    • Must be assigned a name of an attribute that is used to define a reference in the source file.
    • The value must match the value assigned to Attribute in the <Item> tag of the OysterSourceDescriptor file for the same attribute or OYSTER will produce the error: "##ERROR: Reference Items and Attributes do not match."
  • Algo

    • Assign a pre-defined matching algorithm that is to be used for comparing attribute values of this type
    • Specifying an algorithm is optional, and if it not given or a given name is not found, then a default matching algorithm is used.
    • The default matching algorithm supports many different comparators which are defined in detail in the <Term> Tag section of this document.

There must be one Attribute statement defined for each distinct Attribute value defined in the OysterSourceDescriptor file, discussed in the OysterSourceDescriptor section excluding any attribute assigned an OYSTER reserved word such as @RefID.

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