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OYSTER / Configuration_-_Identity_Resolution


When OYSTER is configured to perform identity resolution there should be no output identity file specified in the OysterRunScript but a link file and input identity file must be specified. The configuration is shown in Figure 96.

Figure 96.PNG

In this configuration the process starts with a fixed set of identities, the Input.idty file defined in Figure 96. The reference sources are resolved against the input identities. References that do not resolve to any of the input identities are written to the link index, “” above, with the same special link value that indicates “no resolution”.

You can use the AssertionsOutputIdentities.idty file created by doing the identity build from RefToRef Assertions earlier as the input identities for the Identity Resolution configuration. This allows for OYSTER to create matches based on user knowledge about specific entities.

Lastly, the RunMode should be set to “IdentityResolution” as shown in Figure 97.

Figre 97.PNG

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