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OYSTER / Cross-Attribute_Compare_CAC

OYSTER provides the functionality for the match rules to compare values between references that are logically stored different attributes. This is known as Cross-Attribute Compare. This functionality is best shown in the below example.

Suppose that two valid references are provided in Table 2:

Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.36.54 PM.png Ref1 represents the Input Reference and Ref2 is the Candidate Reference.

If the cross-attribute comparison rule is given as:


<Rule Ident="1">
    <Term> Item="FName" CompareTo="LName" MatchResult="Nickname" />
    <Term> Item="LName" CompareTo="FName" MatchResult="Exact" />
    <Term> Item="LEA" CompareTo="SSN" MatchResult="Exact" />

Based on these rules, the two references would be found to match.

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