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OYSTER / Demo 6 - RefToStrAssertion

Demo 6 - RefToStrAssertion

Reference to Structure Assertion (RefToStr) is a type of assertion created for the OYSTER system that forces multiple references to be consolidated with an existing identity structure found in the OYSTER idty file. RefToStr Assertions are used to inject references into identity structures based on knowledge about the reference.

This run will use the input test data file named "RefToRefAssertion.txt". This data consists of four references composed by six attributes. The first attribute is the RefID, this is a unique identifier associated to each record. The last attribute is the @AssertRefToRef attribute; this is defined by the user and is based on previous knowledge of the source references. The last attribute is the @AssertRefToStr attribute; this is set by the user to the value of the OysterID in the input identity file that they want the reference to be asserted to. This last field is what OYSTER uses to force the reference to be injected into an existing identity. The other attributes consist of FirstName, LastName, DOB, and SchCode.


RefToStr Assertion runs cause OYSTER to update an identity output file and stored it in the RefToStrAssertionAttributes.xml file. This file is the updated Identity Knowledge Base that can be updated and maintained in future runs.


First open command line and read the class path of oyster jar file, Enter ‘RefToStrAssertionRunScript.xml.xml’ and press Enter to perform the run.


Output1.PNG Output2.PNG Output3.PNG Output4.PNG

After the run finishes, the Output folder will contain the, RefToStrAssertionLog_0.txt, RefToStrAssertionOutputIdentities.idty, Identity Change Report.txt, RefToStrAssertionOutputIdentities.emap, and RefToStrAssertionOutputIdentities.indx files


OYSTER creates the persistent identifiers for identities and stores them in the file, You can note that the rule used to perform matches is “@AssertRefToStr” identifying that the assertions were correctly run.


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