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OYSTER / Development Environment


The OYSTER project is built using the current version of Java 8. Install the latest version of the Java 8 JDK from the Oracle Java download site. You have to have an Oracle account (Free) to do this. Java 8 documentation can be found here. While it is not necessary to always have the latest update to Java 8 keeping current installs the latest security patches and bug fixes.


You will also need git Version Control System software. This can be downloaded from the git download page. Choose the version for your operating system.

Once you have installed git, you will first want to fork this repository under your own Bitbucket account so that you can commit and push your changes back to Bitbucket. Once you do that you will clone the repository to your computer and import the project into Eclipse.

Eclipse IDE

An eclipse IDE is recommended for development work in this project. A recent version is best but any version since Luna should work. Eclipse is available from the Eclipse Foundation IDE. From this page select the package and your runtime environment to download. For OYSTER development you will need either the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers or Java EE Developers which provide basic Java and Java web development capabilities respectively.

This installation will include maven and maven-eclipse integration.

Once you have installed the Eclipse IDE and cloned the repository you can import the project into Eclipse. Use the Eclipse File -> Import menu option.

  • choose _Maven -> Existing Maven project
  • browse to the repository folder you clonded
  • then follow the prompts.
  • finally select the project in the project explorer and press ALT-F5 to update the Maven project


Static code analysis is performed using SpotBugs, or some other similar tool. This is installed in Eclipse through the Marketplace on the Help menu. Search for SpotBugs and click install.
