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OYSTER / EREngine_Tag


<EREngine Type="RSwooshStandard" />

The EREngine tag is used to define which entity resolution engine should be used for the defined OYSTER run.

The EREngine tag has one attributes:

  • Type
    • Acceptable values:

      • "RSwooshStandard"

        1. Tells OYSTER to use the original R-Swoosh engine to perform ER. Faster than the RSwooshEnhanced engine when a low percentage of duplicate records are expected to be processed.

        2. Uses Attribute-Based matching

      • "RSwooshEnhanced"

        1. Tells OYSTER to use an enhanced R-Swoosh engine to perform ER. Faster than the RSwooshStandard engine when a high percentage of duplicate records are expected to be processed across multiple sources.

        2. Uses Attribute-Based matching

      • "FSCluster"

        1. Tells OYSTER to use the Fellegi-Sunter record-linking model to perform ER. This is not a modification of the R-Swoosh engine. FSCluster is a completely different method of performing ER and may produce different results when compared with the results of RSwooshStandard or RSwooshEnhanced.

        2. Uses Record-Based matching.

The EREngine tag is completely optional. When left out of the RunScript, OYSTER defaults to RSwooshStandard as the EREngine.

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