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OYSTER / Files_and_Structure


OYSTER requires multiple files to function and creates additional files when it runs:

• Input Files:

   o    OysterRunScript.xml 
   o    OysterSourceDescriptor.xml 
   o    OysterAttributes.xml 
   o    Input Source files (if using a text file for the input source)
   o    Input idty file (if performing Identity Resolution or Identity Update)

• Output Files:

   o    Name.idty (Optional)
   o (Required)
   o    Name.idty.emap (if Explanation="[On/Off]" and Debug="On")
   o    Name.idty.indx  (if Explanation="[On/Off]" and Debug="On")
   o    Log file (always created, location and name can be defined in Run Script)
   o    Identity Change Report.txt
   o    Identity Merge Map.csv

When building these files there is no predefined location where to save them. It is recommended a Run folder be created for each new OYSTER run you attempt. This will allow you to easily organize and keep track of your used and generated files. Inside the Run folder create an Input, Scripts, and Output folder and place the files in their corresponding folder. The suggested structure should look similar to this:

                \Input\(Place input source files here)
                \Output\(output should be generated here [specified in RunScript])
                \Scripts\(Place all scripts here)

Figurer 3.PNG

There are a few other files and folders that are necessary when running certain features of OYSTER. Inside the OYSTER folder there must be a folder named ‘data’ that contains a file named ‘alias.dat’ (shown in Figure 4). This file contains a tab delimited file with two columns of data (illustrated in Figure 5). The first column contains a name and the second column contains an acceptable alias for that name. This is the lookup file that is used when “Nickname” is specified in the match rules.

Figure 4.PNG

Figure 5.PNG

The other required folder must be named ‘lib’ (shown in Figure 6) and must contain the following files:

  • mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar
  • ojdbc14.jar
  • sqljdbc4.jar
  • sqljdbc.jar
  • swing-layout-1.0.jar

These files are used by OYSTER to make connections and handle the data when sources other than text files are used.

Please note that the data and lib folder MUST be stored in the same folder in which the oyster.jar file is located. When the .jar file is run, it searches the directory in which it is run from for these two folders. If it fails to locate the folders then OYSTER will fail to make a connection to any data source other than a text file and will be unable to perform any matching on “Nickname”.

Figure 6.PNG

The main OYSTER folder is depicted in Figure 7.

Figure 7.PNG

The above structure is purely a suggestion to allow for organized OYSTER testing and runs. It may also be beneficial to create a folder in which to store the generated log files

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