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OYSTER / IdentityInput_Tag

The IdentityInput tag specifies where the Identities to be used as input are stored. These identities are stored in an XML format generated by a previous OYSTER run. The identities XML can be stored in and read from a text file or a database table.

The IdentityInput tag must have the Type attribute that defines the three possible formats of this tag.

  • Type attribute

    • This attribute is required. If it is omitted OYSTER will stop running without producing any user facing error.
    • Acceptable Values:
      • "None"
      • "TextFile"
      • "Database"
  • Type="None"


<IdentityInput Type="None" />

When Type is assigned the value of "None" IdentityInput has only the Type attribute.

The IdentityInput statement cannot be left out of the run script or OYSTER will stop running once it reaches this section of the run script. To prevent this OYSTER must be notified that there is no identity input by assigning a Type value of "None".

  • Type="TextFile"

IdentityInput Type="TextFile">Absolute Path</IdentityInput>

When Type is assigned the value of "TextFile" the IdentityInput tag has only the Type attribute. The start and end tag enclose character data that represents the absolute path to the text file containing the XML formatted identities.

  • Type="Database"

<IdentityInput Type="Database" Server="" Port="1433" SID="PROD" UserID="UserName" Passwd="Password">Table Name</IdentityInput>

When Type is assigned the value of "Database" the IdentityInput tag may have up to five additional attributes.

  • Type - Must be assigned the value of "Database"
  • Server - Must be assigned the address of the database server to be used.

    • DNS Name
    • IP address
  • Port - Must be assigned the port number on which the database server will respond to requests.

  • SID - Must be assigned the name of the database in which the XML identities are stored on the server.
  • UserID - Must be assigned the name of the user with access to the required data.
  • Passwd - Must be assigned the password associated to the user given as the values of the UserID attribute.

The start and end tag enclose character data that represents the table name in which the identity input can be located. Please note that when connecting to Microsoft SQLServer or MySQL, the table name must be fully qualified or OYSTER will produce a connection error. An example of a fully qualified table name is "DatabaseName.dbo.TableName" in SQL Server or "DatabaseName.TableName" in MySQL.

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