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The JACCARD function takes a single parameter "Threshold", a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0. As a similarity function, JACCARD returns True under the following conditions (1) both strings are non-empty, and (2) considering each string as a set of characters, the ratio of the intersection of the character sets to the union of the character sets is greater than or equal to the "Threshold" parameter. This function is case sensitive. If either or both strings are empty or blank, the comparator returns False. Example: "Johnson" compared to "Holston" returns True for JACCARD(0.50) because the intersection is 4 characters {O, H, N, S} and the union is 7 characters {J, O, H, N, S, L, T} and 4/7=0.5714 is greater than 0.50.
