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There are various methods that can be utilized to launch OYSTER. The first method to run OYSTER is via the command prompt. The following steps will launch OYSTER.

NOTE: OYSTER requires Java version 1.5 or newer to run or it will error out.

  1. Open a Commnad Prompt

    a. Select Start->Run

    b. Type cmd, press Enter.

  2. From here there are two ways to launch OYSTER.

    a. Option 1: Navigate to the folder that contains the Oyster.jar file.

          i.    Use the cd command to navigate, type cd followed by the folder path in which the .jar file can be found.

    Example: cd d:\example\Oyster\ ii. Once the command prompt is pointed to the correct folder, OYSTER can be launched by typing the following command: java –jar Oyster.jar

    b. Option 2: Use the absolute path to the Oyster.jar file in the java command. i. Through the use of the absolute path the Oyster.jar file can be launched no matter which folder the command prompt is pointed to.

          ii.   An example command that uses the absolute path is:

    java –jar D:\Example\Oyster\Oyster.jar

The second method is to create a batch file that contains the command needed to call and run the Oyster.jar file. By creating a batch file it creates an additional file that must be stored in the same folder as OYSTER (for portability) but removes the necessity to know how to navigate to the folder containing the oyster.jar file as was required by the first method. The following steps will create a batch file that can be used to launch an OYSTER run.

  1. Open Notepad

    a. Select Start->Run

    b. Type notepad, press Enter

  2. Type java -jar Oyster.jar

    a. Please note that the absolute path can be used for the Oyster.jar file if the .jar file will always be stored in the same location but you want the ability to move the batch file to a more accessible location such as on the Desktop. The command with the absolute path would look like: java –jar D:\Folder\Path\Oyster.jar

  3. Save the file as Oyster.bat in the same folder that the Oyster.jar file is located unless the absolute path was used as described above.

  4. To launch OYSTER simply double click on the Oyster.bat file. Note: The path and file name in the batch file must always be edited to match the path and file name of the Oyster.jar file whenever they are changed.

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