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OYSTER / Metadata_Tag



The Metadata tag has no generated attributes. The start and end tags enclose the Modifications, Modification, Attributes, and Attribute tags, discussed in the next sections, which are children of the Metadata tag.

The Metadata tag occurs only once in an Identity output document and is located as the top section of the file above the defined identities.

1.2.1 <Modifications> Tag


< Modifications>

The Modifications tag has no generated attributes. The start and end tags enclose a series of Modification tags, discussed in the next section, that are children of the Modification tag.

There will be a single Modifications tag generated by OYSTER in each Identity output file. This tag represents a history of all the runs that were performed to create the identity file up to and including the current run. <Modification> Tag


<Modification ID="1" OysterVersion="3.3" Date="2012-08-24 19.21.30" RunScript="RunScriptName" />

The Modification tag has four generated attributes.

  • ID
    • This is a sequential number generated and assigned to each new Modification tag that is inserted into the Run Script
  • OysterVersion
    • OYSTER derives this value from the version number embedded in the current OYSTER executable.
  • Date
    • This is the date in which the Identity Output file was last updated.
  • RunScript
    • This is the file name of the RunScript without the .xml extension.
    • Used to allow users to track run history.

A new Modification tag is generated each time OYSTER updates the Identity Output file through and IdentityUpdate run. The multiple Modification tags can be used to help back track where records in an identity came from originally.

1.2.2 <Attributes> Tag


< Attributes>

The Attributes tag has no generated attributes. The start and end tags enclose a series of Attribute tags, discussed in the next section, that are children of the Attributes tag.

There will be a single Attributes tag generated by OYSTER in each Identity output file. This tag represents the Attributes used for every Identity tag defined by OYSTER. <Attribute> Tag


<Attribute Name="value" Tag="value"/>

The Attribute tag has two generated attributes.

  • Name
    • OYSTER derives this value from the Attribute value assigned by the user in the <Item> tag of the source descriptor.
  • Tag
    • Unique value assigned to each attribute by OYSTER to allow for clearly defined relations to the reference assigned to the Value attribute of the <Reference> Tags, discussed in a following section, that make up this identity.

There will be one corresponding Attribute tag generated by OYSTER in the Identity output file for every unique value assigned to the Item tag in the Attributes file by the user.

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