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OYSTER / OysterSourceDescriptor


The OysterSourceDescriptor contains information about the input source file. It is used to specify the location of the input source, and the attributes in the source that make up a record. The OysterSourceDescriptor is different from the OysterAttributes and OysterRunScript files in that there can be multiple OysterSourceDescriptors in a single OYSTER run. This is due to OYSTER requiring an OysterSourceDescriptor file be created for each input source that will be used during the OYSTER run, if there are five input source files then there should be five corresponding OysterSourceDescriptors for those files. Each OysterSourceDescriptor should contain a unique value in the “Name” field or OYSTER will not function correctly.

A sample OysterSourceDescriptor is illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 10.PNG

The OysterSourceDescriptor in Figure 10 specifies a delimited text file as the input source with the file being Delimited by “|” and the file having labels. All of this is specified in one line of the OysterSourceDescriptor as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11.PNG

The last section of the file, illustrated in Figure 12, identifies the Attributes in the input source and the position that each one is located at in the file.

Figure 12.PNG

A full reference of the OysterSourceDescriptor file can be found in the OYSTER Reference Guide.

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