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OYSTER / Sections

The Identity Change Report consists of three (3) section: Metadata, Summary, and Change Detail.

3.1.1 Metadata Section

The first section contains metadata that defines some basic information about the OYSTER run that generated the change report. * Date - The date the change report is generated * RunScript Path - the full file name, including extension, of the run script. * RunScript Name - the name of the run script as specified in the RunScriptName attribute of the run script

3.1.2 Summary

The second section contains various counts that form a summary of the actions that took place during the run.

  • Count of Output Identities - Total number of Identities written to .idty file.
  • Count of Input Identities - Number of Identities read from identity input file.
  • Count of Input Identities Updated and Written to Output - Count of Identities that existed in the input identity file that had new source references added to the identity.
  • Count of Input Identities Not Updated and Written to Output - Count of identities from the input identity file that were not modified in any way during the run.
  • Count of Input Identities Merged - Count of Merges that occurred during the run.
  • Count of New Identities Created - count of new identities created from references in the input source that did not match any of the input identities on any rule.

The following relations should always be observed among the above counts:

  1. Output Identities = Input Identities - Merged Identities + New Identities

  2. Input Identities = Input Identities Update + Input Identities Not Updated

3.1.3 Change Detail

The third section contains details such as the OYSTER IDs and the Reference ID for identities and references involved in creating, merging, or updating identities.

  • New Identities Created - list of all identities that are created during the run.
    • Contains two pieces of information
  • Identifier - OYSTER ID of the new identity
  • Reference - list of all reference IDs that are contained in the new identity.
  • Only listed if ChangeReportDetail="Yes"
  • Input Identities Merged - list of all identities that are merged during the run.
    • Contain two pieces of information
  • Input Identifier - The OYSTER ID that the identity had in the identity input file.
  • Output Identifier - The OYSTER ID that the identity had in the identity output file
  • Input Identities Updated - list of all identities that have new references added during the run.
    • Contains three pieces of information.
  • Identifier - OYSTER ID of the identity that is getting new references added.
  • Reference before update - List of identity references that made up the identity in the identity input file.
  • Only listed if ChangeReportDetail="Yes"
  • References after update - List of identity references that make up the identity in the identity output file.
  • Only listed if ChangeReportDetail="Yes"

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