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OYSTER / Segment_Tag


<Segment Item="Name" Hash="Hash " />

The Segment tag has two attributes.

  • Item

    • The value must be a valid OYSTER attribute defined by an <Attribute> element in the same OysterAttribute script containing the <Index> element.
  • Hash

    • The value must be a valid Index Hash algorithm defined by an OYSTER Utility Class.

      • Scan
      • Soundex
      • DMSoundex
      • IBMAlphaCode
      • NYSIIS
  • The Hash algorithm designated by the value of a Hash attribute will transform the values of the attribute identified by the Item attribute of the same <Segment> element into a fixed-length character string according to the hash algorithm.

Note that the final index value produced by an <Index> statement will be a concatenation of the individual hash values produced that are defined by each <Segment> element. The hash values will be concatenated in the same order as <Segment> elements occur in the <Index> statement.

Each <Segment> element must have an Item attribute and a Hash attribute or OYSTER will generate an error.

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