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OYSTER / Settings_Tag


<Settings RunScriptName="Name" Explanation="Off" Debug="On" SS="No" ChangeReportDetail="No" Trace="On" />

The Settings tag directs what information is written to the Oyster.log file that is created during each OYSTER run. It also directs what additional output files are generated during the run and the level of detail written to the files. Its one other function is to validate the RunScript by checking the name of the RunScript to make sure it valid.
The Settings tag has six attributes:

  • RunScriptName

    • Assigned value must match the name of the RunScript .xml file without the .xml file extension.
    • Example:

      • Filename is "OysterRunScript.xml"

      • RunScriptName should be assigned the value of "OysterRunScript"

    • Function:

      • The RunScriptName attribute is simply a check that makes sure the user is not copying a RunScript without checking to make sure it does what they intend to do. It does this by forcing the user to open the RunScript to edit at least one value.
  • Explanation

    • Acceptable Values:
      • "ON"
      • "OFF"
    • Function:
      • The Explanation flag turns on the log file and writes out an explanation of what is happening when OYSTER runs.
  • Debug

    • Acceptable Values:
      • "ON"
      • "OFF"
    • Function:
      • The Debug flag turns on the "IdentityCaptureOutput.idty.emap" and "IdentityCaptureOutput.idty.indx" files and it adds more detail to the log file.
      • If the Explanation flag is off and the Debug is on the log file still gets written out due to the way Java handles logging.

The following table provides an explanation of the different combinations of the Explanation and Debug attributes. Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.29.35 PM.png

  • SS

    • Acceptable Values:
      • "ON"
      • "OFF"
    • Function:

      • The * SS* attribute turns on the System Statistics for the run and generates statistics before and after parts of the run such as before and after reading in a new source file. These statistics include:

        • Heap Size - Total Memory
        • Max Heap Size - Max Memory allowed to be used
        • Used Heap Size - Memory being used
        • Free Heap Size - memory not being used.
        • Defaults to "Off" if not included in the RunScript
    • Defaults to "Off" if not included in the RunScript.

  • ChangeReportDetail

    • Acceptable Values:
      • "Yes"
      • "No"
    • Function:

      • The ChangeReportDetail attribute dictates the level of detail that will be written to the Change Report output file.
      • When it is set to "No", OYSTER will produce a brief change report that does not contain a comprehensive list of OYSTER IDs.
      • When it is set to "Yes", OYSTER will produce detailed change report.
      • Causes OYSTER to generate two reports stored in same directory as the output .idty file:

        • Identity Change Report
        • Identity Merge Map
    • Defaults to "No" if not included in the RunScript.

    • Trace
    • Acceptable values:
      • "ON"
      • "OFF"
    • Function:
      • The Trace attribute turns off and on the Trace functionality of the OYSTER .idty file.
      • Trace provides the user the capability to trace the progress of a reference from the current run all the way back to its origin (when enabled since the first run). This allows the ability to examine the origin and the evolution of a reference throughout its lifetime to figure out where a bad match was made and fix it with the use of one of the four assertions.
    • Defaults to "Off" if not included in the RunScript.
    • If Trace is on, the performance of OYSTER is impacted.

The Settings tag is not optional meaning OYSTER will not run successfully if the run script does not contain this element. All attributes can be omitted from the Settings tag except for the RunScriptName attribute. OYSTER will default all missing attribute values to "Off" or "No".

NOTE: Explanation and Debug should only be set to "On" when testing or trying to resolve an issue with a Run. By setting these attributes to "On" there can be a significant performance impact for a run on the scale of the run taking hours instead of minutes.

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