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OYSTER / Summary_Stats

The Summary Stats section contains five statistics:

  • Total Records Processed - The total number of input references that were read from the input files defined in the SourceDescriptors.
  • Total Clusters - The total number of resulting clusters (identities) generated by the OYATER run. (The number of resulting identities created by linking input references.)
  • Max Cluster Size - The count of references that were linked to create the largest resulting cluster by the OYSTER run.
  • Min Clusters Size > 1 - The count of references that were linked to create the smallest resulting cluster that contains more than a single reference. (contains at least a single linked pair of references)
  • Min Cluster Size - The count of references that were linked to create the smallest resulting cluster by the OYSTER run.

An example of this section is shown in Figure 13. This example shows that 12 references were processed into eight clusters. Three of the references were linked to create the largest cluster and the smallest cluster contains a single reference. The smallest clusters with more than one reference contain two references. Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.10.27 PM.png

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