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OYSTER / UserDefinedIndex_Example

The following is an example of how to build two custom indices:


<Index Ident="X1">
<Segment  Item="FirstName" Hash="Soundex"/> 
<Segment  Item="LastName"  Hash="Scan(LR, LETTER, 7, Y, SameOrder)" />
<Segment  Item="HomePhone" Hash="Scan(RL, DIGIT, 7, N, SameOrder)" />

<Index Ident="X2"> 
<Segment  Item="LastName" Hash="NYSIIS(6)"/> 
<Segment  Item="SchoolCode" Hash="Scan(LR, ALPHA, 6, Y, Same)" />
<Segment  Item="SocialSecNbr" Hash="Scan(LR, DIGIT, 9, N, L2HKeepDup)" /> 

The example shows the instructions for creating two indices "X1" and "X2". Both indices are created by hashing three attributes. For a detailed explanation of the principals involved with designing properly aligned UDI, see section "7. OYSTER User-Defined Inverted Index" on page 70 of this Reference Guide.

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