Calibration Data

Issue #16 new
walter hosseini created an issue


Can we have an area that we can input our calibration data such as spec, as found, as left and have other calibration features such as relative humidity, temperature, etc. Then be able to customize a certificate based upon all the information for that specific calibration?

Comments (3)

  1. Ozan H repo owner

    Hello Walter, Up to version 2.6 it is only possible to customize the device report with current available fields. You can edit "report.html" as you like for customization with HTML+Python+Jinja2 knowledge. As I understand, you need some extra fields to save and report when needed. Well, in my opinion it is good practice to implement a dynamic field creation feature with appropriate data types. I have added this to my todo list. After implementing email alerts #15 I will work on your case. Thank you for the feedback.

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