Rain Yesterday: 0.00 in

Issue #27 resolved
Fernando created an issue

Hello team,

Today I notice that the ajax dashboard is reporting "Rain Yesterday: 0.00 in" If you look at my trends you can see I had 0.19 in of rain yesterday. Also you can see it before the page refreshes.

Comments (4)

  1. Gary Roderick

    Brief display of correct data indicates that testtags.php has correct data and clientraw does not. A quick check using testtags.phg?sce=view and the TNET WD Clientraw Parser confirms this. Seems to be an underlying issue with the $day_1.rain.sum.mm used in field 19 of clientraw. Quick patch is to use $yesterday.rain.sum.mm instead. Will upload this when able, bitbucket is being a bit flakey for me just now.

  2. Gary Roderick

    Have pushed a commit 6e4c021 that should provide a temporary fix. Will leave this issue open as $day_1.rain.sum.mm seems to have some issues.

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