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rt-n56u / files / S99ushare


#PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin daemon=/opt/bin/ushare #NAME=ushare #DESC="uShare UPnP A/V Media Server" pidfile=/var/run/ conffile=/opt/etc/ushare.conf

[ -r "$conffile" ] && . ${conffile}

abort if no executable exists

[ -x $daemon ] || exit 0

set -e

do_start() {

abort if no shared directory is defined

if [ -z "$USHARE_DIR" ]; then echo -en "\v\t\033[1;37;41m [ Stop ]: No media directory specified. " echo -e "Edit $conffile. \033[0m\v" exit 1 fi

Make sure an instance of daemon is not running

if [ -n "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] ; then echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;41m ${daemon##*/} is already running! \033[0m\v" exit 1 fi

echo -en "\v\t\033[1;37;44m Starting ${daemon##*/} \033[0m"

if [ -f $pidfile ]; then #echo "Warning : $pidfile still present. Unclean shutdown ?"

kill -s 9 cat $pidfile 2>/dev/null

  rm -f $pidfile 2>/dev/null

fi #echo -n "Starting $DESC... " $daemon -D -f ${conffile} wait

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo -e "\033[1;37;44m [ OK ] \033[0m\v" else echo -e "\033[1;37;41m [ FAILED ] \033[0m\v" fi


#stop() { # echo -n "Stopping $DESC... " # if [ -f $pidfile ]; then # kill -9 cat $pidfile 2>/dev/null # rm -f $pidfile 2>/dev/null # fi # echo "done" #}

do_stop() {

Make sure an instance of daemon is running

if [ -z "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] ; then echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;41m ${daemon##*/} is not running! \033[0m\v" exit 1 fi

echo -en "\v\t\033[1;37;44m Stopping ${daemon##*/} \033[0m"

#killall -15 ${daemon##*/} 2>/dev/null ; sleep 1

for pid in pidof ${daemon##*/} ; do kill -15 ${pid} 2>/dev/null [ -z "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] && break done

Wait max 20 seconds

if [ -n "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] ; then echo -en "\t Waiting" ; i=20 ; echo -ne "\r"

while [ -n "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] && [ $i -ge 0 ] ; do echo -ne "\r[ $i ] " ; i=$(( $i - 1 )) ; sleep 1 done

echo -e "\n" fi

if [ -n "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] ; then ## Kill the process unconditinally kill -9 pidof ${daemon} 2>/dev/null echo -e "\r\t\t\t\t\033[1;37;41m [ KILLED ] by timeout! \033[0m\r\n" logger -t "${daemon##*/}" "Was killed by timeout!" else echo -e "\033[1;37;44m [ OK ] \033[0m\r\n" fi }

do_restart() { # Let's check if daemon is running if [ -z "pidof ${daemon##*/}" ] ; then echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;41m $daemon is not running! \033[0m" do_start else echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;44m Trying to restart ${daemon##*/} \033[0m" do_stop sleep 1 do_start fi }

case "$1" in start) do_start ;; stop) do_stop ;; restart) do_restart ;; *) echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;44m Usage: $0 { start | stop | restart } \033[0m\v" exit 1 ;; esac

exit $?
