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nas / Home

Welcome to Nas

Nas is a second generation PoS cryptocurrency, being the first one based on Nxt. As such, it implements most of the features of Nxt.

Main differences with Nxt are:

  • the "genesis" account and block, with the initial distribution of coins to 35 genesis recipients
  • an origin of time at 2014-march-25 12:00.000, for timestamps of transactions and blocks
  • a total amount of coins of 10'000'000'000 NAS
  • default peer server port 7871

You can read the detailed differences here.

Nas Client development repository

Nas Client started basically as a clone of Nxt Client with minor changes. For that reason, if you are going to use this repository, it is advised to configure your local repository with two remotes, as Nas versions are merged from Nxt repository versions:

  • JeanLucPicard/nxt, the Nxt official one, for fetching the next version that you will try to merge,
  • patapato/nas, this one, to pull (or pull request) your development.

Nas history

Nas Client was thought as the blockchain P2P backbone for an ambitious client called WinNAS, which at v0.2 incorporated: BlockDice (BTC & NXT), Chatroom, Gateway (BTC<=>NXT), BlockLottery; and planned for v0.3: P2P Bet with reliable RSS and deadline (guarantee and arbitration with NAS blockchain), Casino Foundation.

The only version with open source provided by the original developer was 0.8.13(N1), which was taken two commits before the final Nxt v0.8.13, but adding the then experimental new UI from developer wesleyh. You can take that version from the download menu, as well as the original version 1.1.3(N1) without sources, and WinNAS v0.1beta, v0.2.1beta and v0.2.2beta, which is all the software provided by original developper.

Wiki features

This wiki itself is actually a git repository, which means you can clone it, edit it locally/offline, add images or any other file type, and push it back to us. It will be live immediately.

Go ahead and try:

$ git clone

Wiki pages are normal files, with the .md extension. You can edit them locally, as well as creating new ones.
