Improvements to the Debugging page

Issue #184 resolved
rs232 created an issue

Suggestion for the Debugging page:

now suggested
Clear cookies Clear browser cookies
Clear Cache Clear browser cache
Flush DNS (dnsmasq) cache
NVRAM Commit Commit NVRAM now
Reboot Reboot
Shutdown Shutdown

Flush DNS cache (new option) is be performed via: killall -HUP dnsmasq.

Comments (4)

  1. DJK

    off-topic for a moment, couldn’t the “clear-cache” be incorporated in the upgrade page? May avoid the ^F5 overlook issues.

    Shutdown - suggested …unless it’s model/platform specific, shutdown or halt, is not automatically synonymous with poweroff as (was) explained in the wiki. My router has a mechanical switch another has none. Since there’s UPS monitor capabilities, some may have some ability to actually power down.

    Shutdown - Brings the system down so you can power-off your device.

  2. rs232 reporter

    Upgrading is already clearing the cache (this was requested and implemented one or two years ago if I remember well.

    The shutdown I agree is not appropriate neither here nor in the menu. It should be called halt instead.

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