Bandwidth monitoring stops being recorded after a while

Issue #213 resolved
Adam Macdonald created an issue

I’m using firmware “FreshTomato 2022.1 on Netgear R8000” aka: freshtomato-R8000-ARM-2022.1-AIO-64K. I’m experiencing and issue with the bandwidth monitoring feature. I have it set to save to RAM every 12 hours, but after a few days or so the bandwidth monitoring appears to stop, until I change the save frequency again and the bandwidth monitoring service gets restarted.

I’ve attached a screenshot to help you visualise what I mean. You can see that from the 15th through to the 18th it was working correctly, then on the 22nd I realised it had failed again and changed the save frequency and saved the settings to restart the service. I have tried clearing NVRAM and doing both a warm reboot and a cold reboot before but to no avail. This was working for me on the previous version for my router 2021.8 or 2021.7 I believe it was. It doesn’t seem to have any negative effects on the rest of the router’s functionality or stability so I can only assume the bandwidth monitoring service is just crashing after some amount of time. I’d be happy to check the logs for it if you tell me where the bandwidth monitor’s logs are!

I have also uploaded a screenshot showing the uptime and system resource usage.

Comments (15)

  1. M_ars

    If you select “Every 2 days” → it stops after 2 Days ?


    If you select “Every 4 days” → it stops after 4 Days now ?

    I just upgraded a router to 2022.3, will check it tomorrow again

  2. M_ars

    so far it looks good on my side, no problems.

    Sysres, you see the problem only happening with mips RT-N66U ? Arm still OK ? Adam reported also R8000

    mhh…. 🤔

  3. pedro repo owner

    The question is, if @Sysres used old back-up from v132 which is incompatible…?

    The same apply to @Adam

  4. Ned Martin

    It’s been suggested that I post here as I have the same problem (however, I’m using 2022.1 on Asus RT-AC66U so it’s the MIPS version, not this ARM one).

    I did not restore any backups.

    You can see further information about my issue at but it’s effectively identical to that described by people above - the bandwidth only recorded a couple of days. See attached image for my settings.

  5. DJK

    There are or have been issues with various monitoring services if you do not have “Auto Update Time“ set to Auto Interval on the time settings page/tab.

    This may not impact your situation.

  6. pedro repo owner

    Well, I can’t really reproduce this bug on my RT-AC3200, RT-N18 and RT-N66U…

    So I don’t know how resolve this problem…

  7. pedro repo owner

    2 more questions @all:

    • are you all using NVRAM as a save location (probably yes, because otherwise [usb] I see no reason to set ‘Save Frequency’ to something different than ‘Every Hour’ - just like me)?
    • when your rtstats stop working, do you have the time set correctly on your router?

  8. Ned Martin

    However, despite having this issue several times, I haven’t had it recently. Stats have been working for some months now. I haven’t tried rebooting to see if they keep working after a reboot.

  9. pedro repo owner

    Another thing: please enable in Administration → Debugging → Enable segfault logging.

    Reboot, and look at the logs once a day if there's anything about rstats (or anything else).

  10. Sysres

    @pedro, I think I khow how to reproduce this issue reliably. It has been listed for long time as “intermittent”. This issue only affects “rstats”. Here is how I can easily and reliably reproduce it on several of my ASUS RT-AC1900P and RT-AC68U. Go to “Basic”, “Network” settings and simply click on “Save”. You can change some settings if you wish but it really makes no difference. I only use VPN builds if that matter. A number of services will restart at this point and router will go back to normal operations. In the log you will see “rstats stopped” and right away “rstats started” as one of the first records after “Save”. At this point Bandwidth Monitoring statistics will stop collection indefinitely unless you do one of the 2 things. 1st is to simply reboot the router which obviously takes longer or go to “Administration”, “Bandwidth Monitoring” and simply click on “Save”, no need to change anything. This will simply trigger rstats to restart and everything will work fine after that. Statistics collection shall resume at this point. My wild guess is when you “Save” in Basic Network settings and some services restart the rstats crashes later. Again my guess is that rstats restarts way too soon in this case and must be postponed. Can you adjust the order in which services restart? Or setup a delay? I submitted another ticket #283 regarding this particular issue 6 month ago. Statistics should be one of the last services to restart. Thanks.

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