Serve NTP on the WAN

Issue #234 resolved
rs232 created an issue

There are some peculiar cases where you might want to serve NTP information on the WAN, an example I can think about is an upstream modem/bridge with a locally significant IP only. This device will never be able to communicate towards Internet thus not a public NTP server. Allowing FT to respond to NTP queries on the WAN would solve this issue.

I would suggest to modify the current NTP server settings from this:

into something like this:

Internal NTP server [Disabled/LAN only/WAN only/LAN & WAN]

Intercept LAN client NTP requests

  • For LAN & WAN it would mean adding to the iptables:

iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT

  • For WAN only it means adding the above iptables + running the process as well (of course)


Comments (6)

  1. rs232 reporter

    The current enable is LAN only, in my example. LAN + WAN would also add the iptables command I suggested above.

  2. pedro repo owner

    Yes, :) I understand the difference between “LAN only” (now) and “LAN + WAN” (your suggestion, addition).

    But what about WAN only?

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