Media server - list of fixes/improvements spotted

Issue #243 resolved
rs232 created an issue
  • friendlyname is missing (uses FT router name by defa ult which might not be wanted)
  • Log verbosity level missing, currently only minidlna start/stop are logged, I just had an issue with an unknown video format and minidlna silently crashed it would be good to know what file caused the issue.
  • Listen port = 0 gives an error, dlna uses UDP 1900 by default so perhaps 0 should be = 1900 rather than random?
  • Button missing to "scan now", currently you need to select scan at next run and save which is not really practical.
  • Option missing for Automatically scan media on changes (ext filesystem only this is achieved enabling the inotify parameter)
  • I believe the option "Listen on" might not be appropriate here as the initial SOAP message is a UDP broadcast to announce itself. Then of course a client establishes TCP socket (port TCP 8200 if I’m not mistaken) but tecnically this fiels I believe to refer to the “announce port” hence “Listen on” is somehow misleading. How about instead calling this simply "Operate on" or “Operational interface“ or “Announce on“?
  • "Announce on" should also allow for multiple interfaces selection e.g. LAN1/LAN3
  • When a different bridge is specified the open status page in new tab should pick up the ip address of the first enabled bridge. e.g. in my case I sen it over br1 (LAN2) but it currently opens on the IP of br0 (LAN1). Same discussion for the presentation IP which works on br0 regardless of the LANx specified.
  • All the specified directory should allow for a new parameter/column where Audio/Video/Pictures/empty is defined (A,V,P as per minidlna.conf)
  • Adda custom config text area, where users can add configuration parameters as needed e.g. like we have for dnsmasq
  • Allow for an external config file to be used (like nginx per se)


Comments (8)

  1. rs232 reporter

    Thanks, are we 100% certain the “Router name” is exclusively used by minidlna? A cross check at code level is needed to confirm this. If it is it would indeed make sense to move the field to the minidlna page and rename it to something like: “name”, “Identifier” ,“service name” or something along the lines.

    Also thanks about the minidlna.log info. Considering the modern logviewer we have (which comes with filtering capabilities) perhaps it is a good idea to either/both revert back to /var/log/messages and

    [ x ] Use syslog

    (and if unselected) make something like this appear/editable:

    logfile custom path [_______________________]

  2. rs232 reporter

    I wan’t challenging the fact that Router name is used by minidlna as the Identifier. The key to read my message above revolves around the work “exclusively” which essentially hints at making sure there are no other dependencies towards that field from other services (SMB/FTP/else) before safely move it to the minidlna page.

    Based on your experience in minidlna would you have any objection if we move the logs back to the syslog?

  3. pedro repo owner

    Done, except 2 things:

    1. minidlna is not able to log to syslog only to its own logfile - there was a patch that made it possible but it was abandoned during the upgrade done by @shibby (IIRC to version 1.1.5), probably due to too much changes in the sources (I will look at it) It’s now in /var/log.

    2. I really don’t want to add “Scan now” button, because it will create a lot of new (GUI) problems.

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