Remote Admin doesn't work after saving Basic's

Issue #275 resolved
zakk87 created an issue

Whenever f I save a settings page that restarts the WAN, for eg the Basics->Network page specifically, I immediately lose remote admin access.

The internet comes back up and everything seems to work fine locally, but my remote access won't work until the router to manually rebooted or I save Administration page. After this, everything is OK again.

I’m using a trusted remote address "Allowed Remote IP Address" in "Admin Restrictions" section, but there’s another case

Comments (9)

  1. pedro repo owner

    I know it may be a PITA for you, but can you check it without OpenVPN server (in both cases: remote access works/doesn’t work)?

  2. zakk87 reporter

    nope, I stopped VPN server and still I can’t access via WAN.

    works only when I go to Administration and click SAVE, so maybe changing in BASIC no reboot some of service and it should?

    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 preinit[1]: telnetd is stopped
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 preinit[1]: httpd is stopped
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 user.notice TTB[26588]: INFO - The NVRAM variable ttb_loc not set. I don't know where to save the theme will keep it in RAM
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 user.notice TTB[26588]: INFO - Installing theme [ advanced_v2_light ] from the local storage [ /tmp/TomatoThemeBase ]
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 user.notice TTB[26588]: INFO - The theme [ advanced_v2_light ] has been successfully applied
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 preinit[1]: httpd is started
    Mar  2 10:28:47 RT-AC66UB1 preinit[1]: telnetd is started

  3. pedro repo owner

    OK, thanks.

    I have to compare which services are restarted in admin-access and in basic-network.

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