PPPOE not working on Netgear R6400v1 with 2023.1

Issue #281 closed
AP Scott created an issue

Hi Pedro - Firstly, thanks for the great work with Fresh Tomato! Love the firmware!!!

I’m using freshtomato-R6400-ARM-2023.1-AIO-128K.trx on a Netgear R6400v1. I can’t get PPPOE connection to my ISP working. I can get it to work and connect to the internet with the stock Netgear Genie firmware (R6400-V1.0.0.14_1.0.8.chk), and also with the initial Tomato firmware (tomato-R6400-initial.chk from Netgear R-series initial files - tomato.groov.pl > download > K26ARM > Netgear R-series initial files). However, it’s not connecting when using the freshtomato-R6400-ARM-2023.1-AIO-128K.trx firmware... It just keeps flashing ‘renewing’ endlessly. I saw another post relating to a PPPOE issue with R8000 (#258: PPPoE not working with Fiber Centurylink with R8000 on 2022.6) and tried dropping back to 2022.5 build for R6400v1 to see if it was a similar issue but this didn't work. I’m happy to help - let me know what you need to do the debugging.

Comments (14)

  1. M_ars


    i think you are new to FreshTomato right ?

    Can you connect with a different router (not R6400v1) ?

  2. AP Scott reporter

    Hi - I’m new to FreshTomato but have been using Tomato by Shibby for quite a few years. My current router is a Linksys E3000 using Tomato and it connects to my ISP using PPPOE, but running tomato-K26USB-1.28.RT-MIPSR2-140-AIO.zip. It’s the router I use all the time and is what is connecting me to the internet right now as i type this. Obviously, it’s not quite as powerful so I bought the Netgear R6400v1 on ebay for a bit more beef, and to use updated (patched) firmware.

  3. AP Scott reporter

    Hi Pedro - In order to get the syslog for you (replicating the issue) I've had to re-flash the firmware back onto the R6400v1 router - I’d tried other firmwares such as Genie and DD-WRT to try and troubleshoot the issue. The first thing I did once the FreshTomato firmware was flashed was to enter the PPPOE credentials. It has now connected to the internet. This is different to what I did previously. Last time I flashed the firmware I set up the Wireless, VLAN and Virtual Wireless settings first. I also applied the Advanced Dark theme, then I tried to connect to the ISP using PPPOE (and this wasn’t working). I did notice after applying the theme that some fields didn’t display properly, but Ctrl+F5 sorted this out… though i now suspect there is an issue with the theme, or the order in which I have configured the router matters. I’ll continue to set up the router and let you know how I get on. Thanks for your support with this.

  4. AP Scott reporter

    Hi Pedro - I’ve had chance to have a look in more detail at the PPPOE issue I was having. I think it relates to the ‘Use DHCP’ option in the WAN Settings. On my old E3000 Linksys router with Shibby Tomato the ‘Use DHCP’ option is ticked, but on the R6400v1 Netgear router with FreshTomato i can only get a PPPOE connection if this option is unticked. See screenshots. First image is R6400v1, second image is E3000.

  5. AP Scott reporter

    Is there something you want me to check in the reverted firmware? I’m unclear what your posts yesterday mean.

  6. M_ars

    Offtopic → Issue comment working again since today :)

    thinking about it

    On my old E3000 Linksys router with Shibby Tomato the ‘Use DHCP’ option is ticked, but on the R6400v1 Netgear router with FreshTomato i can only get a PPPOE connection if this option is unticked.

    so basicly PPPoE is working

    ahh - OK, interesting

        switch (wan_proto) {
        case WP_PPPOE:
        case WP_PPP3G:
            if (wan_proto == WP_PPPOE && using_dhcpc(prefix)) { /* PPPoE with DHCP MAN */
            else if (!strcmp(prefix, "wan"))  start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN, prefix);
            else if (!strcmp(prefix, "wan2")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN2, prefix);
            else if (!strcmp(prefix, "wan3")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN3, prefix);
            else if (!strcmp(prefix, "wan4")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN4, prefix);
        case WP_DHCP:
        case WP_LTE:
        case WP_L2TP:
        case WP_PPTP:
            if (wan_proto == WP_LTE) {
                /* Prepare LTE modem */
                if (!nvram_get_int("g_upgrade") && !nvram_get_int("g_reboot"))
                    xstart("switch4g", prefix);
            else if (using_dhcpc(prefix)) {

    looking at


    Dual PPPoE + DHCP WAN option

    + some fixes with


    shibby 140 has all If-conditions (line 4, 9, 10, 12, 13) here, but i think this is not correct

        switch (wan_proto) {
        case WP_PPPOE:
        case WP_PPP3G:
            if (wan_proto = WP_PPPOE && using_dhcpc(prefix)) { // PPPoE with DHCP MAN
                mwanlog(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiWAN: start_wan_if: start_dhcpc(%s) for PPPoE ...", prefix);
            if(!strcmp(prefix,"wan")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN, prefix);
            if(!strcmp(prefix,"wan2")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN2, prefix);
            if(!strcmp(prefix,"wan3")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN3, prefix);
            if(!strcmp(prefix,"wan4")) start_pppoe(PPPOEWAN4, prefix);
        case WP_DHCP:
        case WP_LTE:
        case WP_L2TP:
        case WP_PPTP:
            if (wan_proto == WP_LTE) {
                // prepare LTE modem
                xstart("switch4g", prefix);
            else if (using_dhcpc(prefix)) {

    ==> I do not see the Problem ? DUAL WAN needed / wanted ?

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