Bug listing TTYS in switch4g

Issue #289 resolved
Juan Manuel Caracoche created an issue

In line 577 all devices are listed

TTYS=$(ls -d $PATHDIAG/$DEVICENAME/${DEVICENAME}*/usb:cdc-wdm?* 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s/.*\/\//.*/g" -e "s/.*://g")

In my case I’m using a ZTE 4G modem (19d2:0166) so that line gives me "cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1" then in line 580 the TTYS is redefined as TTYS="/dev/$TTYS" as $TTYS was "cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1" now TTYS is "/dev/cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1"

Then DNVR and "$PREFIX"_modem_dev is set incorrectly.

"$PREFIX"_modem_dev is used in connect() function and in line 50 the script evaluates if "$DEVNR" exists and it doesn’t and the exits.

I could make progress in the script by adding a head -n 1 in the line 577

TTYS=$(ls -d $PATHDIAG/$DEVICENAME/${DEVICENAME}*/usb:cdc-wdm?* 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s/.*\/\//.*/g" -e "s/.*://g" | tail -n 1) (tail, because I found the device where I can get data from is cdc-wdm1)

If more than one may be better test which one returns data (like uqmi --get-capabilities)

Now I’m getting other error (more kernel related) which I’m trying to figure that out.

kern.err kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: force halt; handshake d0bb0014 00004000 00000000 -> -110
Jun 21 22:04:38 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.4: Error submitting int urb - -110
Jun 21 22:04:38 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.4: Error submitting int urb - -108

Comments (36)

  1. pedro repo owner

    You didn’t provide information what is your router and on what FW version of FreshTomato.

  2. pedro repo owner

    Waiting for your answer.

    Also what gives you:

    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities


    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-capabilities


    Without these informations, I can’t do anything…

  3. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Sorry I’m travelling and I don’t have the device with me. Tomorrow I will give you the response for those commands.

    The router I’m using is a Netgear R7000 in the latest version of the firmware (2023.3).

    Thank you in advance!

  4. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Here it is the information:

    #root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    ^C"Failed to connect to service" -->> it never returned, then ctrl+c
    messages log:
    Jun 30 20:42:43 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-capabilities
      "max_tx_channel_rate": 50000000,
      "max_rx_channel_rate": 100000000,
      "data_service": "simultaneous_cs_ps",
      "sim": "supported",
      "networks": [
    Steps I did before running the --get-capabilities commands:
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 19d2:0166
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# modprobe -r qmi_wwan
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -Q -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/19d2:0166 -v 19d2 -p 0166 -b 002 -g 002
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 19d2:0167
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# modprobe  qmi_wwan
    messages after switching 
    Jun 30 20:41:18 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi1 : usb-storage 2-2:1.5
    Jun 30 20:41:19 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.1-2, WWAN/QMI device, 8a:17:a3:19:24:10
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.1-2, WWAN/QMI device, 8a:17:a3:19:24:10
    Jun 30 20:41:35 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan

  5. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    additional info.

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --stop-network 0xffffffff --autoconnect
    "No effect"
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --set-data-format 802.3
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --wda-set-data-format 802.3
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --wda-get-data-format
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --sync
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-serving-system
        "registration": "searching",
        "roaming": false

    It never changed the registration state. After a while I got

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-serving-system
    Failed to open device

    In the log there was these

    Jun 30 21:10:52 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 2-2: USB disconnect, address 3
    Jun 30 21:10:52 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.3: wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.1-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jun 30 21:10:52 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 2-2:1.4: wwan1: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.1-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jun 30 21:10:57 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
    Jun 30 21:10:57 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi2 : usb-storage 2-2:1.0
    Jun 30 21:10:58 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2

    Then even reloading the driver nor running the /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch again (lsusb told me the product id was 0166 again), I was no able to get the device up. I needed to reboot the router.

  6. pedro repo owner

    So one more test; enter:

    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities

    let it hangs and check in 2nd shell:

    ps | grep [u]qmi


  7. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Hi Pedro! Thank you!

    Here are several commands executed within 30s between each other

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
     1758 root       828 S    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
     1758 root       828 S    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
     1758 root       828 S    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
     1758 root       828 S    uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities

    It run for 4 min and when I cancel (ctrl+c)

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    ^C"Failed to connect to service"

  8. pedro repo owner

    Try this switch4g script: https://bitbucket.org/pedro311/freshtomato-arm/downloads/switch4g

    Remember to only check “USB 1.1 Support”, because qmi_wwan driver has problems with other modules.

    So, change USB module to 1.1, halt router, switch off power, connect modem, switch on power, and please let me know (with log).

    //EDIT: I forgot to say: first copy this new version of switch4g file to JFFS and mount it in Admin → Scripts → Init:

    mount --bind /path/to/added/switch4g /usr/sbin/switch4g

  9. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Thank you Pedro!.

    I realized I didn’t have checked USB 1.1 Support. I followed your instructions, here are the results.

    NOTE: I kept the WAN2 config untouched before following the instructions (set as 4G modem).

    NOTE2: As I don’t know how to update the script without making a new built or overriding built in scripts I copied the script to /tmp/ and run it from there. But as I already had the WAN 2 configured. The old script did the switch. So when I logged in the router I had this

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 19d2:0167
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# nvram get wan2_modem_dev

    If I run the script /tmp/switch4g wan2 connectI got this error because wan2_modem_dev is not well defined

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /tmp/switch4g wan2 connect
    sh: MODEM: unknown operand
    log in messaged (I added a LOG to debug variables)
    Jul 10 14:34:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[1909]: Variables: MTYPE= qmi_wwan, DEVNR= /dev/cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1
    Jul 10 14:34:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[1909]: 4G MODEM - DIAG interface not found - connection terminated!

    Then I configured wan2_modem_dev as the device I know it works (/dev/cdc-wdm1)

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# nvram set wan2_modem_dev="/dev/cdc-wdm1"

    Then I run the command again

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /tmp/switch4g wan2 connect
    "No effect"
    sh: MODEM: unknown operand
    messages log
    Jul 10 14:37:12 unknown user.notice switch4g[1956]: Variables: MTYPE= qmi_wwan, DEVNR= /dev/cdc-wdm1
    Jul 10 14:37:12 unknown user.notice switch4g[1956]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 10 14:37:18 unknown user.notice switch4g[1956]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 10 14:37:50 unknown user.notice switch4g[1956]: 4G MODEM - network registration failed!

    Probably since changing USB 1.1 support, but now I see info here where before I didn’t

    Thank you in advance!

  10. pedro repo owner

    You must follow exactly my instruction, otherwise I’ll still don’t know what’s going on:

    Copy this new version of switch4g file somewhere to JFFS and add this script to Administration → Scripts → Init:

    mount --bind /path/to/new/switch4g /usr/sbin/switch4g

    Click Save.

    Next, change USB module to 1.1 (only! the rest has to be unchecked, only “Core USB Support“ and “USB 1.1 Support“) - click save, wait a minute, halt router, switch off power, connect modem, switch on power, and please let me know (with log, filter by “switch4g” - starting with “4G MODEM - detecting ...“ up to last entry with “switch4g”).

    New version of switch4g: https://bitbucket.org/pedro311/freshtomato-arm/downloads/switch4g

  11. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Thank you Pedro. After reboot, this is what I got in the logs

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# cat  /var/log/messages | grep switch4g
    Jan  1 01:00:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jan  1 01:00:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM not found in USB_ModeSwitch database - already switched? Loading modules...
    Jan  1 01:00:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) not found ...
    Jan  1 01:00:18 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN (cdc_ether) not found ...
    Jan  1 01:00:20 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN (huawei_ether) not found ...
    Jan  1 01:00:22 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN (cdc_ncm) not found ...
    Jan  1 01:00:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN (rndis_host) not found ...
    Jan  1 01:00:26 unknown user.notice switch4g[941]: 4G MODEM WAN not found - connection process terminated!
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 19d2:0166

    Then I went to overview and clicked “disconnect” and then “connect” and now I see an interesting log

    Jul 10 18:22:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[5744]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 10 18:22:43 unknown user.notice switch4g[5831]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 10 18:22:43 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 10 18:22:44 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM FOUND - 19d2:0166 - switching ...
    Jul 10 18:22:47 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 2
    Jul 10 18:22:51 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3
    Jul 10 18:22:52 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi1 : usb-storage 1-2:1.5
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM ready - 19d2:0167
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, ea:28:88:3b:d2:a1
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, ea:28:88:3b:d2:a1
    Jul 10 18:22:53 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 10 18:22:54 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 10 18:22:54 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 10 18:22:54 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 10 18:22:55 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 10 18:22:55 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 10 18:23:02 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G Modem - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...
    Jul 10 18:23:02 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: **** 4G MODEM - UQMIRET:
    Jul 10 18:23:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: **** 4G MODEM - UQMIRET: {"max_tx_channel_rate":50000000,"max_rx_channel_rate":100000000,"data_service":"simultaneous_cs_ps","sim":"supported","networks":["gsm","umts","lte"]}
    Jul 10 18:23:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 10 18:23:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jul 10 18:23:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jul 10 18:23:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 10 18:23:09 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 10 18:23:40 unknown user.notice switch4g[5859]: 4G MODEM - network registration failed!

    Network registration is failing but you fixed the dev listing issue. Now I don’t know why is not registering into the network. I could make this work in ubuntu, so the HW and sim should work.

    Thank you

  12. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Other observation. When I tried to connect again (disconnect/connect) after changing connection parameters, I got

    Jul 10 20:15:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[21857]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 10 20:15:16 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 10 20:15:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 10 20:15:17 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G MODEM FOUND - 19d2:0166 - switching ...
    Jul 10 20:15:19 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 4
    Jul 10 20:15:24 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5
    Jul 10 20:15:24 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi3 : usb-storage 1-2:1.5
    Jul 10 20:15:25 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 3:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G MODEM ready - 19d2:0167
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 72:47:71:2a:da:28
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 72:47:71:2a:da:28
    Jul 10 20:15:26 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 10 20:15:27 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 10 20:15:27 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 10 20:15:33 unknown user.notice switch4g[21885]: 4G Modem - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...

    Then I checked and there was one --get-capabilities running which definitely should have killed the kill -9 in the script

     root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep uqmi
     6155 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities

  13. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    First Run

    Jan  1 01:01:35 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jan  1 01:01:36 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM FOUND - 19d2:0166 - switching ...
    Jan  1 01:01:39 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 2
    Jan  1 01:01:43 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3
    Jan  1 01:01:44 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi1 : usb-storage 1-2:1.5
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM ready - 19d2:0167
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 1e:06:22:72:ce:54
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 1e:06:22:72:ce:54
    Jan  1 01:01:45 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jan  1 01:01:46 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jan  1 01:01:46 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jan  1 01:01:46 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jan  1 01:01:46 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jan  1 01:01:46 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jan  1 01:01:47 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jan  1 01:01:47 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jan  1 01:01:48 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities:
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities: {"max_tx_channel_rate":50000000,"max_rx_channel_rate":100000000,"data_service":"simultaneous_cs_ps","sim":"supported","networks":["gsm","umts","lte"]}
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jan  1 01:01:55 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 11 03:31:12 unknown user.info ntpd_synced[2408]: initial clock set
    Jul 11 03:31:12 unknown user.info preinit[1]: httpd is stopped
    Jul 11 03:31:13 unknown user.info preinit[1]: httpd is started
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown cron.info crond[914]: time disparity of 28150650 minutes detected
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - network type is set to 'all'
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - roaming is set to 'any'
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - got new client ID: 2
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [1] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:20 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [2] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:25 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [3] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:30 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [4] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:35 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [5] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:40 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed - process terminated!

    Second run (disconnect/connect)

    Jul 11 03:33:54 unknown user.notice switch4g[4834]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 11 03:33:57 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 11 03:33:57 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 11 03:33:57 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM not found in USB_ModeSwitch database - already switched? Loading modules...
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 32:b7:c0:b1:d5:b4
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 32:b7:c0:b1:d5:b4
    Jul 11 03:33:58 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 11 03:33:59 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 11 03:33:59 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 11 03:33:59 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 11 03:34:01 unknown user.notice switch4g[4834]: 4G MODEM - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...
    Jul 11 03:34:05 unknown user.notice switch4g[4899]: 4G MODEM - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...

    Note the PID of line 15 has a different PID from the current switch4g run and different than previous one but same as the one in line 1 (suspect that disconnect process keep running in BG while the connect button is enabled in the Web Console.

    Third run (just disconnect)

    Jul 11 03:37:26 unknown user.notice switch4g[7698]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 11 03:37:32 unknown user.notice switch4g[7698]: 4G MODEM - another uqmi process in action (hang up?) - exiting ...

    If I run a ps now I got

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep qmi
     2199 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
     4547 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --set-client-id wds 2 --stop-network 0xffffffff --autoconnect

  14. pedro repo owner

    First run was OK, except that your modem doesn’t connect to the network:

    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - got new client ID: 2
    Jul 11 03:31:15 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [1] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:20 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [2] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:25 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [3] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:30 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [4] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:35 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [5] ...
    Jul 11 03:31:40 unknown user.notice switch4g[1949]: 4G MODEM - connection failed - process terminated!

    It should end like this (like mine):

    Jan  1 01:00:42 router user.notice switch4g[1159]: 4G MODEM - got new client ID: 2
    Jan  1 01:00:43 router user.notice switch4g[1159]: 4G MODEM - connected (device /dev/cdc-wdm0) - session ID: 38972872

    Another version available: https://bitbucket.org/pedro311/freshtomato-arm/downloads/switch4g

  15. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Hi Pedro, here are the new logs.

    First Run

    Jul 12 07:29:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[1932]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 12 07:29:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[1932]: 4G MODEM - release Client ID: 2
    Jul 12 07:29:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[1932]: 4G MODEM - disconnected
    Jul 12 07:29:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 12 07:29:25 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM FOUND - 19d2:0166 - switching ...
    Jul 12 07:29:28 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: USB disconnect, address 2
    Jul 12 07:29:33 unknown kern.info kernel: usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3
    Jul 12 07:29:33 unknown kern.info kernel: scsi1 : usb-storage 1-2:1.5
    Jul 12 07:29:34 unknown kern.notice kernel: scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            LTE      USB SCSI CD-ROM  2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    Jul 12 07:29:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM ready - 19d2:0167
    Jul 12 07:29:34 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
    Jul 12 07:29:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:29:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, ce:d2:f9:25:3f:b9
    Jul 12 07:29:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:29:35 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, ce:d2:f9:25:3f:b9
    Jul 12 07:29:35 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 12 07:29:36 unknown kern.err kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: unknown notification 32 received: index 3 len 2
    Jul 12 07:29:38 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities:
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities: {"max_tx_channel_rate":50000000,"max_rx_channel_rate":100000000,"data_service":"simultaneous_cs_ps","sim":"supported","networks":["gsm","umts","lte"]}
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jul 12 07:29:47 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 12 07:29:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 12 07:29:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - network type is set to 'all'
    Jul 12 07:29:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - roaming is set to 'any'
    Jul 12 07:29:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - got new client ID: 2
    Jul 12 07:29:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [1] ...
    Jul 12 07:29:58 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [2] ...
    Jul 12 07:30:03 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [3] ...
    Jul 12 07:30:08 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [4] ...
    Jul 12 07:30:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed: "Call failed" (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) [5] ...
    Jul 12 07:30:18 unknown user.notice switch4g[2032]: 4G MODEM - connection failed - process terminated!

    After finishing this I can see the process is still running

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps| grep qmi
     2274 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities

    Second Run (just Disconnect)

    Jul 12 07:32:38 unknown user.notice switch4g[4874]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...

    And the process hangs. In the ps I can see these lines

     2274 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
     2837 root      1224 S    dropbear -p 22 -a
     2846 root      1424 S    -sh
     4874 root      1496 S    {switch4g} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/switch4g wan2 disconnect
     4903 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --set-client-id wds 2 --stop-network 0xffffffff --autoconnect

    So, It got stuck stopping the network

    Third Run (Connect as the we enabled it)

    Jul 12 07:37:04 unknown user.notice switch4g[8269]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM not found in USB_ModeSwitch database - already switched? Loading modules...
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 16:3d:ed:03:7a:eb
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 16:3d:ed:03:7a:eb
    Jul 12 07:37:07 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 12 07:37:08 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 12 07:37:08 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:37:08 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:37:17 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:37:19 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jul 12 07:37:22 unknown user.notice switch4g[8269]: 4G MODEM - release Client ID: 2
    Jul 12 07:37:22 unknown user.notice switch4g[8269]: 4G MODEM - disconnected
    Jul 12 07:37:29 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities:
    Jul 12 07:37:29 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:37:38 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:37:40 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jul 12 07:37:49 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities:
    Jul 12 07:37:49 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:37:49 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jul 12 07:37:58 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jul 12 07:37:58 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 12 07:38:50 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 12 07:39:08 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - network type is set to 'all'
    Jul 12 07:39:17 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - roaming is set to 'any'
    Jul 12 07:39:27 unknown user.notice switch4g[8324]: 4G MODEM - unable to obtain client ID!

    After this finished, I can still see these in the ps

     2274 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
     2837 root      1224 S    dropbear -p 22 -a
     2846 root      1424 S    -sh
     4903 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --set-client-id wds 2 --stop-network 0xffffffff --autoconnect

    checking the script. In line 592 and 600 the ps may need to get the f2 instead f1. If I run that I got nothing, but with f2 in cut I got the 2 pids. That’s why was not killing the process!

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi | cut -d ' ' -f2

    If I run a Disconnect/Connect again with the changes. It worked!

    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown user.notice switch4g[20581]: 4G MODEM - disconnecting ...
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - detecting ...
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM not found in USB_ModeSwitch database - already switched? Loading modules...
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.3: wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 0e:81:3d:24:eb:13
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: cdc-wdm1: USB WDM device
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device, 0e:81:3d:24:eb:13
    Jul 12 07:51:12 unknown kern.info kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
    Jul 12 07:51:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM WAN (qmi_wwan) found - using qmi_wwan module and wwan0 as WAN
    Jul 12 07:51:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - DIAG(s) found (cdc-wdm0 cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:51:13 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:51:22 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:51:24 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - found another uqmi process (PID: 2274), killing ...
    Jul 12 07:51:29 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - still found another uqmi process (PID: 4903), killing once again ...
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - done with killing another uqmi process (PID: 4903)
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - running --get-capabilities in bg ...
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - done with --get-capabilities in bg!
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ...
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities: {"max_tx_channel_rate":50000000,"max_rx_channel_rate":100000000,"data_service":"simultaneous_cs_ps","sim":"supported","networks":["gsm","umts","lte"]}
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jul 12 07:51:34 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 12 07:51:41 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...
    Jul 12 07:51:41 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - network type is set to 'all'
    Jul 12 07:51:41 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - roaming is set to 'any'
    Jul 12 07:51:41 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - got new client ID: 4
    Jul 12 07:51:48 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - connected (device /dev/cdc-wdm1) - session ID: 35986320
    Jul 12 07:51:53 unknown user.notice switch4g[20609]: 4G MODEM - WAN IFACE configured (wwan0)

    Note: In the setup page there is no field to setup the MCC and MNC. I set it up with uqmi and with that I got the dongle registered into the network.

    Even though, now the iface is connected, the command uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-data-status returns "disconnected"and not getting IP.

    Thank you!!

  16. pedro repo owner

    checking the script. In line 592 and 600 the ps may need to get the f2 instead f1. If I run that I got nothing, but with f2 in cut I got the 2 pids. That’s why was not killing the process!

    Are you sure, you don’t have “different” kind of ps in your system (ie. from entware)?

    root@router:/tmp/home/root# which ps
    root@router:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [s]tubby
    13625 root      4508 S    stubby -g -C /etc/stubby/stubby.yml
    root@router:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [s]tubby | cut -d ' ' -f1

    It has to be f1 otherwise I have:

    root@router:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [s]tubby | cut -d ' ' -f2

    Note: In the setup page there is no field to setup the MCC and MNC

    It’s not needed in normal use - your dongle should just register to the home network.

    What returns:

    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --wda-get-data-format


  17. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Here are the results

    root@unknown:/www/user/cgi-bin# which ps

    you are right regarding f1 but, if the ps’s list has space before the PID number, it takes those spaces. i]In fact depending on the numbers, the pid ID could be on f1, f2 or f3.

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
      483 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    20975 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities

    See this, there are 2 ' ' before 483, so the -f is 3 in the case of 483

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi
      483 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    20975 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi |  cut -d ' ' -f2
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi |  cut -d ' ' -f1
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi |  cut -d ' ' -f3

    I think ps | grep [u]qmi | awk '{print $1}' is better here

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps | grep [u]qmi |  awk  '{print $1}'

    In regards to the data format

    root@unknown:/www/user/cgi-bin# uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --wda-get-data-format

  18. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Hi Pedro, looping on why I’m not getting IP on the connected iface and I found the issue.

    in line 482 there is this code

    # TODO: add a delayed loop?
            # check if interface is up
            for WAN in $(ls $PATHWAN/ | grep -e eth -e usb -e wwan); do
                [ -f $PATHWAN/$WAN/uevent -a -f $PATHWAN/$WAN/device/uevent ] || continue
                # check if interface has our $MODULE
                [ "$(grep -s ^DRIVER $PATHWAN/$WAN/device/uevent | cut -d "=" -f2)" == "$MODULE" ] && {
                    break 2
                } || {

    I have two WAN interfaces in my modem, wwan0 and wwan1, both have the same Driver, so WAN is set to wwan0 but actually the device connected is /dev/cdc-wdm1. So, in my case the ifname should be wwan1. To test it I hardcoded the ifname and then the DHCP run on the correct interface and i got IP right away.

  19. pedro repo owner

    I think ps | grep [u]qmi | awk '{print $1}' is better here


    I have two WAN interfaces in my modem, wwan0 and wwan1, both have the same Driver

    Could you lsfor me:

    ls /sys/class/net/wwan0
    ls /sys/class/net/wwan1
    ls /sys/class/net/wwan0/device
    ls /sys/class/net/wwan2/device

    ? Thanks.

  20. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    here it is (last line wwan2 does not exist, so I’m sendign the one for wwan1)

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ls /sys/class/net/wwan0
    addr_assign_type  dormant           link_mode         subsystem
    addr_len          duplex            mtu               tx_queue_len
    address           features          operstate         type
    broadcast         flags             qmi               uevent
    carrier           ifalias           queues
    dev_id            ifindex           speed
    device            iflink            statistics
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ls /sys/class/net/wwan1
    addr_assign_type  dormant           link_mode         subsystem
    addr_len          duplex            mtu               tx_queue_len
    address           features          operstate         type
    broadcast         flags             qmi               uevent
    carrier           ifalias           queues
    dev_id            ifindex           speed
    device            iflink            statistics
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ls /sys/class/net/wwan0/device
    bAlternateSetting     bus                   net:wwan0
    bInterfaceClass       driver                subsystem
    bInterfaceNumber      ep_04                 supports_autosuspend
    bInterfaceProtocol    ep_84                 uevent
    bInterfaceSubClass    ep_85                 usb:cdc-wdm0
    bNumEndpoints         modalias
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ls /sys/class/net/wwan2/device
    ls: /sys/class/net/wwan2/device: No such file or directory
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ls /sys/class/net/wwan1/device
    bAlternateSetting     bus                   net:wwan1
    bInterfaceClass       driver                subsystem
    bInterfaceNumber      ep_05                 supports_autosuspend
    bInterfaceProtocol    ep_86                 uevent
    bInterfaceSubClass    ep_87                 usb:cdc-wdm1
    bNumEndpoints         modalias

  21. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Hi Pedro, as my use case is to use the 4G modem as a backup (failover), I’ve been testing it. Today is a day where I have a ver unstable service, so good day to test the fail over.

    Here is some feedback about what I found.

    I saw that the detection of the internet connection is checking byte received in a fraction of time using cat /sys/class/net/vlan2/statistics/rx_bytes. IMHO, this method is fragile because 1 byte in makes the connection as OK and this is not a real proof the “service” is usable. As a user I’d like to have a stable or almost stable (can have some packages loss) connection. What I could see today with a faulty service is

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root#  cat /sys/class/net/vlan2/statistics/rx_bytes
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root#  cat /sys/class/net/vlan2/statistics/rx_bytes
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root#  cat /sys/class/net/vlan2/statistics/rx_bytes

    So the watchdog is marking WAN0 as good and making it the default route but the “internet service” is unusable. Here is the ping in that same moment

    64 bytes from icmp_seq=66 ttl=115 time=17.538 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 67
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 68
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 69
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 70
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 71
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 72
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 73
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 74
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 75
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 76
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=77 ttl=115 time=17.359 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 78
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 79
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 80
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=81 ttl=115 time=14.052 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=82 ttl=115 time=15.224 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=83 ttl=115 time=18.132 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 84
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 85
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 86
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 87
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 88
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 89
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=90 ttl=115 time=19.227 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 91
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=92 ttl=115 time=20.637 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 93
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 94
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=95 ttl=115 time=16.125 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 96
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 97
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 98
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 99
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 100
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=101 ttl=115 time=16.071 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 102
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=103 ttl=115 time=17.247 ms
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 104
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 105
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 106
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 107
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=108 ttl=115 time=17.836 ms

    So there were some bytes-in actually but we can relay on that to tell the connection is OK. I guess you should have evaluated other ways to check the connection. I think a ping with 5 calls and getting the statistics from it and assuming 1 package lost is OK (20% package loss) the connection is OK or a wget --spider or nc.

    I know the script could take longer than the actual one but could be more robust the outcome.

    Thank you!

  22. pedro repo owner

    here it is (last line wwan2 does not exist, so I’m sendign the one for wwan1)

    Sure it was my typo.

    So folders/subfolders are identical in wwan0 and wwan1 - not good.

    We need to find something that will distinguish these folders from each other in order to select the right wwan.

    The only option at the moment, in my opinion, is to look at the content of these files/links in wwanX subdirectories, compare them and detect differences, in order to choose the right wwan.

    I only have a (qmi) modem with one wwan0 and I can't do that.

    So if you have the time and the inclination, I'd appreciate your help.

    //EDIT: of course we have different ep_X, but I don't think it can be relied on…

  23. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Thank you Pedro for all this support.

    Here there is a good way of identifying both interfaces. uevent has the INTERFACE and the PHYSDEVPATH which is used in the WAN discovery

    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# cat  /sys/class/net/wwan0/uevent
    root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# cat  /sys/class/net/wwan1/uevent

  24. pedro repo owner

    I tried it, and it works BUT only if modem is not switched when restarting/booting the router (in this case I can easily extract below USB number, because new device appear).

    Otherwise there is a problem because I need it to extract WAN (wwanX) number (to be exact: USB device number, ie. “1-2:1.2”), but to extract this number I need WAN number.

    So it is a closed circle.

    Is there anything else in this folders, that may indicate which one is the working WAN?

  25. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    I don’t know if I’m fully following you.

    The modem is already switched when I sent this info. This same status is when switch4g first run as switchMode is called before searchWAN

    I fond you can get wwanX and it's underlying device doing ls /sys/class/net/wwan1/device/| grep usb |cut -d":" -f2

    What if you save tuples wwanx:device, then can you override WAN and PREFIX_ifname variable with the working device when you check the --get-capabilities

    When you are listing WAN interfaces that use the DRIVER you build a WANS variable

    for WAN in $(ls $PATHWAN/ | grep -e eth -e usb -e wwan); do
                [ -f $PATHWAN/$WAN/uevent -a -f $PATHWAN/$WAN/device/uevent ] || continue
                # check if interface has our $MODULE
                [ "$(grep -s ^DRIVER $PATHWAN/$WAN/device/uevent | cut -d "=" -f2)" == "$MODULE" ] && {
                    DEV=$(ls $PATHWAN/$WAN/device/| grep usb |cut -d":" -f2)
                    WANS="$WANS $WAN:$DEV"
                } || {

    Then when you detect the working device

     } || { # it works
                        $LOGS "4G MODEM - no other uqmi process -> running --get-capabilities ..." # TEMP
                        UQMIRET=$(uqmiCall "--get-capabilities")
                        $LOGS "4G MODEM - done with -> running --get-capabilities: $UQMIRET" # TEMP
                        case "$UQMIRET" in # final check
                             *data_service*) break ;;
        for W in $WANS; do
            IFACE=$(echo $W | cut -d":" -f1)
            DEVICE=$(echo $W | cut -d":" -f2)
            if [ "${FULLDEV}" == "${DEVNR}"]; then
                nvram set "$PREFIX"_ifname="$WAN"

    Then connect()will have the right IFA and DEVNR

    I did’t try it, just a quick and dirty solution that came to my mind and didn’t invest too many time on it. Tonight I can test it

  26. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    Hi Pedro, I finally could test my approach. It worked! I was able to match device and interface.

    Here it is an updated file with my changes… May be not the finest approach but it works for now.

    Something that I have been seeing in the logs.

    Jul 21 20:19:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[14844]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:20:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[16615]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:21:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[18387]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:22:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[20118]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:23:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[21889]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:24:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[23660]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:25:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[25431]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:26:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[27162]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...
    Jul 21 20:27:00 unknown user.notice watchdog[28933]: Switch4g (wan2) script in action - Exiting ...

    and the modem got disconnected and never connected again. In the ps I got

    15610 root      1424 S    /sbin/udhcpc -i wwan1 -b -s /sbin/dhcpc-event -p /var/run/udhcpc-wan2.pid -x hostname:unknown -O33 -O121 -O249 -m
    22834 root      1456 S    {watchdog} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/watchdog
    22968 root      1504 S    {switch4g} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/switch4g wan2
    23109 nobody    1764 S    dnsmasq -c 4096 --log-async
    23188 root      1504 S    {switch4g} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/switch4g wan2
    23194 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm1 --get-client-id wds

    last thing logged in switch4g is

    Jul 21 20:18:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[13278]: 4G MODEM ready - working DIAG is (/dev/cdc-wdm1)
    Jul 21 20:18:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[13278]: 4G MODEM - Waiting for SIM initialization
    Jul 21 20:18:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[13278]: 4G MODEM - SIM ready
    Jul 21 20:18:16 unknown user.notice switch4g[13278]: 4G MODEM - connecting ...
    Jul 21 20:18:22 unknown user.notice switch4g[13278]: 4G MODEM - waiting for network registration ...

    And then the process got stuck there. If I kill those processes, the next round, the watchdog does the connection OK after a while. There is something taken at kernel level in the device

    Jul 22 23:10:10 unknown kern.info kernel: qmi_wwan 1-2:1.4: wwan1: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-0000:00:0b.0-2, WWAN/QMI device
    Jul 22 23:10:20 unknown kern.emerg kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for wwan1 to become free. Usage count = 9
    Jul 22 23:10:31 unknown kern.emerg kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for wwan1 to become free. Usage count = 9
    Jul 22 23:10:41 unknown kern.emerg kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for wwan1 to become free. Usage count = 9
    Jul 22 23:10:51 unknown kern.emerg kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for wwan1 to become free. Usage count = 9

    Other thing I’ve seen is there is an instance of switch4g running and modprobe -r and a --get-capabilities (something like this)

    2987 root      1456 S    {watchdog} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/watchdog
     3167 root      1496 S    {switch4g} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/switch4g wan2
     2274 root       828 S    uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-capabilities
     3169 root      1432 D    modprobe -r qmi_wwan

    Here at this point I need to power off the router from the switch. Kill -9 doesn’t work (neither for modprobe nor for --get-capabilities or switch4g wan2).

  27. pedro repo owner

    Remember to always test new version of switch4g with cold boot (power off - both, router and modem if you use ie. USB hub), because sometimes (well, more often than not, if something went wrong) USB modules may not be removed, and therefore also those supporting the modem, resulting in false positives.

    I'll get back to you shortly.

  28. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    i’ve been testing it and the script looks good! thank you!

    the router reboots when start routing via the failover iface (4G), but looks other stuff not this issue. After the reboot it takes a while until everything is normal. too many processes locked related with the watchdog on wan2 and get-capabilities. but after a while it gets connected to 4g

  29. Juan Manuel Caracoche reporter

    I need to dig deeper but the router reboots when switching to 4G on failover.

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