Modification of DDNS to fully support MultiWAN

Issue #65 resolved
rs232 created an issue

This is another request to make sure some legacy function of FT become MultiWAN aware.

The DDNS page assumes a single WAN is in use despite allowing for two different DDNS services to map onto it.

It could be a nice enhancement to allow DDNS1 to use the IP of e.g. WAN and DDNS2 to map to the IP address of WAN2 (or 3 or N)

Comments (10)

  1. rs232 reporter

    I would just like to bump this as there’s now a dependency on the Wireguard-GUI implementation (e.g. accepts connection over multiple WANs inbound.

  2. pedro repo owner

    DDNS: multiWAN aware (fix #65)

    • split "Use received DNS with user-entered DNS" into individual WANs
    • increase the number of DDNS clients to 4 for routers with nvram >= 64KB and without size optimization
    • add more user-friendly curl error messages
    • fix first updates of ddns on reboot/restart

    Note: because of serious changes it is recommended to check the settings

    → <<cset b493d972420a>>

  3. James Sladen

    It looks like this has broken external IP address checking when used on a device with no WAN Configured. In the case that number of WAN=0, there still needs to be a ‘External IP Address checker’ option

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