Tinc VPN: incorrectly formatted information on Status tab

Issue #71 resolved
Igor Lidin created an issue

There is a problem with formatting line-feeds on Status tab of Tinc Daemon page, tested with latest tagged build on RT-AC3200, using fully updated Chrome browser on macos (see screenshots).

Some outputs on status page are displayed as one very long line (to be more precise — all but the first line is in one long line), but in corresponding “tinc dump ….” CLI command the same blocks of data are multiline.

How to repeat:

  1. Configure and run Tinc VPN
  2. Go to Tinc Daemon page, select Status tab
  3. Press Subnet (or Edges, Connections, Nodes) button — the output shown on one line, missing line breaks
  4. Select any host, press Info button — the output shown on one line, missing line breask

It would also be better to display outputs from “tinc dump …” in a horizontally scrollable div, as lines may be really long.

Comments (14)

  1. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter

    Dear Pedro, tinc is abosultely ok to display multiline output. GUI uses output from tinc CLI command direclty and incorrectly splits lines when converting from plain text to html.

    Here is output from corresponding tinc command:

    # tinc dump subnets
    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff owner (broadcast) owner (broadcast) owner guardian owner guardian_black owner guardian_black owner guardian owner (broadcast)
    ff00::/8 owner (broadcast)

  2. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter

    I’m very sorry for reopening this, just in hope to attend attention to the explanation above. Please feel free to close it if you still think it deserves it.

  3. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter

    @rs232 Superb, good catch! This is really a theme issue. I’ve changed theme to default and voila — the issue had gone.

    I am using an Advanced Blue theme for Tomato, and the issue persists with it.

    So, to reproduce the bug, someone need to switch to “Advanced <any>” (say, Advanced Blue) theme first.

  4. rs232

    @{5d514e06c6b9320d9ea58dbc} Can you try and feedback the advanced themes from TTB? Specifically:

    • advanced_v1_dark
    • advanced_v1_dark_noi
    • advanced_v1_light
    • advanced_v1_light_noi

    • advanced_v2_dark
    • advanced_v2_dark_noi
    • advanced_v2_light
    • advanced_v2_light_noi

    • advanced_v3_dark

    They should be part of the very same advanced series so intrested to know if this is a common dvanced issue or rather affecting only the FT built in.


  5. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter


    • advanced_v2_dark (from TTB) — OK (no issue)
    • advanced_v2_dark_noi (from TTB) — OK (no issue)
    • advanced_v2_light (from TTB) — OK (no issue)
    • advanced_v1_light_noi (from TTB) — NOT OK

    Just to mention, the “Advanced Blue” theme is a part of FreshTomato itself (one of preinstalled themes), not one downloaded from TTB.

  6. rs232

    Yes but the Avanced built-in is based on the TTB mods. If it’s not too much trouble could you try all the other themes (Ive updated my post just above with all the relevant themes)?

    Many thanks

  7. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter
    • advanced_v1_dark — NOT OK
    • advanced_v1_dark_noi — NOT OK
    • advanced_v1_light — NOT OK
    • advanced_v1_light_noi — NOT OK
    • advanced_v2_dark — OK
    • advanced_v2_dark_noi — OK
    • advanced_v2_light — OK
    • advanced_v2_light_noi — OK
    • advanced_v3_dark — seems does not exist

    All themes listed above looks some way different (not similar) from preinstalled “Advanced Blue”.

  8. rs232

    Expected as they are modifications of it. v3 has been uploaded today actually. You might want to try again.

    Thanks for the full feedback!

  9. Igor Lidin Account Deactivated reporter


    Thank you very much! It would be slightly better to also add something like

    #result tt {
    font-family: monospace!important;
    font-size: smaller;

    to at.css, to force monospace font in output block.

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