Expose KSPSetComputeRHS and KSPSetComputeOperators in petsc4py

Issue #30 resolved
Francesco Caimmi created an issue

It would be nice to have access to KSPSetComputeRHS and KSPSetComputeOperators functions in petsc4py.

I open this issue to comply with Lisandro's request as per http://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-users/2015-July/026256.html.


Comments (8)

  1. Francesco Caimmi reporter

    Hi, thanks for exposing the functions. However I wasn't able to reproduce the expected behavior. I tried to translate ksp/tutorials/ex25.c to python but when I call ksp.solve I get a TypeError: iteration over non-sequence error. The code I used is at the end of the comment. However note that, at variance with the C code since ksp.solve cannot accept None as argument (the C function call in ex25 reads KSPSolve(ksp,NULL,NULL);), I had to explicitly create vectors b and x before calling ksp.solve(b,x). I do not know if this might have an influence on the process.If I go with the ksp.setComputeOperators route I get the expected result (more or less) so I guess the code is correct. Note also that is not clear to me if in your implementation the function defining the known vector and the operator are supposed to return an integer (as in the C implementation) or the vector/operator itself.

    Here is the full traceback:

    File "./ksp_ex25.py", line 179, in <module> main(k,e) File "./ksp_ex25.py", line 155, in main ksp.solve(b,x) File "PETSc/KSP.pyx", line 377, in petsc4py.PETSc.KSP.solve (src/petsc4py.PETSc.c:150958) File "PETSc/petscksp.pxi", line 241, in petsc4py.PETSc.KSP_ComputeRHS (src/petsc4py.PETSc.c:31355) TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

    and here is the code

    import sys
    import petsc4py
    from petsc4py import PETSc
    import numpy as np
    class AppCtx():
        Conteiner class to store user data
        k: int
            sine arg coefficient
        e: float
            sine multiplying factor
        def __init__(self, k, e):
            self.k = k
            self.e = e
    def computeMatrix(ksp, J, jac, Ctx):
        Computes the system matrix
        ksp: PETSc ksp object
            the ksp object
        J: PETSc Mat
            the linear operator
        jac:PETSc Mat
             preconditioning matrix
        Ctx: AppCtx istance
            teh user context
        da = ksp.getDM()
        mx = da.getSizes()[0]
        xs , xm = da.getCorners()
    #    row = PETSc.Mat.Stencil()
    #    col = PETSc.Mat.Stencil()
        xs = xs[0]
        xm = xm[0]
        e = Ctx.e
        k = Ctx.k
        h = 1.0/(mx-1)
        values = np.zeros(3)
        #I use setValue rather than stencils cause I cannot figure out how
        #they work in petsc4py
        for i in range(xs,xs+xm):
            if i==0 or i==mx-1:
                xlow = h*i-0.5*h
                xhigh = xlow+h
                values[0] = (-1.0-e*np.sin(2*np.pi*k*xlow))/h
                values[1] = (2.0+e*np.sin(2*np.pi*k*xlow)+e*np.sin(2*np.pi*k*xhigh))/h
                values[2] = (-1.0-e*np.sin(2*np.pi*k*xhigh))/h
        return 0
    def computeRHS(ksp,b, Ctx):
        ksp: PETSc ksp object
            the ksp object
        b: PETSc Vec
            a vector
        Ctx: AppCtx istance
            teh user context
        da = ksp.getDM()
        #there is no DMDAGetInfo in petsc4py, so use getSizes
        mx = da.getSizes()[0]
        h = 1.0/(mx-1)
        idx = [0,mx-1]
        values = [0.0,0.0]
        return 0
    def main(k,e):
        k: int
            sine arg coefficient
        e: float
            sine multiplying factor
        #init user context
        Ctx = AppCtx(k,e)
        #set some utilities
        comm = PETSc.COMM_WORLD
        #create the ksp context
        ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm = comm)
        #create a 1d DMDA
        da = PETSc.DMDA().create(dim = 1,
                                 sizes = (3,), dof = 1, stencil_width = 1,
                                 comm = comm
        b = da.createGlobalVec()
        x = b.duplicate()
        #set the solver functions
        A,_ = ksp.getOperators()
        x = ksp.getSolution()
        b = ksp.getRhs()
        b2 = b.duplicate()
        norm = b2.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_MAX)
        PETSc.Sys.Print("Residual norm", norm)
        return 0
    if __name__=="__main__":
        OptDB = PETSc.Options()#get PETSc option DB
            k = OptDB.getInt('k') #K coefficient
        except KeyError:
            k = OptDB.getInt('k',1)
            e = OptDB.getScalar('e') #e coefficient
        except KeyError:
            e = OptDB.getScalar('e',.99)
  2. Lisandro Dalcin

    You need to pass args,kargs as tuple/dict respectively. In your case, pass args=(Ctx,), as shown below:

    ksp.setComputeRHS(computeRHS, args=(Ctx,))
    ksp.setComputeOperators(computeMatrix, args=(Ctx,))

    I agree this looks a bit unpythonic, however a more pythonic way to write your code would be:

    class AppCtx():
        def __init__(self, k, e):
            self.k, self.e = k, e
        def computeMatrix(self, ksp, J, P):
            Ctx = self
        def computeRHS(self, ksp, b):
            Ctx = self
    def main(k,e):
        Ctx = AppCtx(k,e)
  3. Francesco Caimmi reporter

    Ah, ok, it looks like I completely misunderstood what the Python interface does and missed the fact that here "args" is actually a ... keyword argument! Now if I run it with -ksp_view and -mat_view I get the same results for the C and Python versions with respect to the solver output and the the matrix entries. So I guess the exposed routines work as intended.

    If you wish I could translate something slightly more complicated or with more degrees of freedom (such as ex28) to check if everything works as expected.

  4. Francesco Caimmi reporter

    Of course it took forever, but finally I was able to find the time to translate ksp/tutorials/ex28.c. Everything seems to be ok, the results of the c code can be reproduced exactly. I would gladly contribute the two ksp examples to the demo directory:should I "simply" open a pull request? Something that should I know about best practices you adopt in doing so?

  5. Lisandro Dalcin

    I would say just create a directory demo/kspdm/, and your script there, commit and create a pull request.

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