Error at initialisation of petsc4py

Issue #36 closed
LucasPa created an issue


I am using petsc4py quite often on my workstation and it works great, thank you for this !

I am trying to install it on the supercomputer of my lab where PETSc is already install. The installation was performed by the IT department and seems to be unusal. Indeed there is no directory named $PETSC_ARCH in $PETSC_DIR:

 -bash-4.1$ ls $PETSC_DIR
 bin  conf  include  lib  share

But anyway, the installation seems to be ok. So I have a run a batch through lsf with the command :

python test

which returned

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 257, in <module>
  File "", line 254, in main
  File "", line 126, in run_setup
  File "/tmp_opt/Socle_LA/2.0/mpt/intel-13/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 152, in setup
  File "/tmp_opt/Socle_LA/2.0/mpt/intel-13/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 953, in run_commands
  File "/tmp_opt/Socle_LA/2.0/mpt/intel-13/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 972, in run_command
  File "", line 245, in run_testsuite
    err = main(cmd.args or [])
  File "test/", line 192, in main
    package = import_package(options, pkgname)
  File "test/", line 90, in import_package
    package.init(args, arch=options.arch)
  File "build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/petsc4py/", line 42, in init
    PETSc = petsc4py.lib.ImportPETSc(arch)
  File "build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/petsc4py/lib/", line 29, in ImportPETSc
    return Import('petsc4py', 'PETSc', path, arch)
  File "build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/petsc4py/lib/", line 64, in Import
    module = imp.load_module(fullname, fo, fn, stuff)
ImportError: /tmp_opt/Socle_LA/2.0/mpt/intel-13/complex/petsc/lib/ undefined symbol: mumps_sol_es_mp_pruned_size_loaded_

I would really appreciate to use petsc4py and this supercomputer. Have you any idea how to correct this ? I am not sure the title I have chosen it the best and I did not find anything better !



PS : On the supercomputer, MPI-SGI is used. It is known (see that when we do a “from mpi4py import MPI”, we core dump. Therefore, I replaced in my code every MPI.COMM_WORLD by PETSc.COMM_WORLD. And, for instance MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast is replaced by PETSc.COMM_WORD.tompi4py().bcast.

Comments (11)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    Without the build logs, it is almost impossible to figure out what's going on. Did you try to contact the IT folks for help?

  2. LucasPa reporter

    Well, the only solution I found was to reinstall PETSc. So basically, I do not know what went wrong with the first installation ...

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