Error: failed to pass tests

Issue #37 closed
zheng li created an issue

I installed petsc4py successfully on Mac OS, but I failed to pass the tests of petsc4py. I firstly got petsc installed and tests of petsc are passed. From the error info, it seems to has something with MPI. I am sure that I add option "--download-mpich" when configure petsc. I don't know what caused the error. The detail info is as follows. Thanks a lot. --Zheng

FAIL: testCompatMPI4PY (test_comm.TestComm)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 63, in testCompatMPI4PY self.assertEqual(cn, PETSc.COMM_NULL) AssertionError: <petsc4py.PETSc.Comm object at 0x107ae2050> != <petsc4py.PETSc.Comm object at 0x107593510>

Comments (7)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    As you used --download-mpich, I guess mpi4py and PETSc are using different MPI implementations. You have to either not use --download-mpich and let PETSc use the same MPI you used to build mpi4py, or rebuild and reinstall mpi4py to use the MPI that PETSc downloaded and installed.

  2. zheng li reporter

    Thanks for your reply, Lisandro. I did not install mpi4py explicitly before and just added --download-mpich when configured PETSc. You mean I need to install mpi4py alone?

  3. Lisandro Dalcin

    So, it seems you have mpi4py previously installed. In that case, please note petsc4py DOES NOT require mpi4py yo run, so you can just ignore the failing test. However, please remember your mpi4py and petsc4py are "incompatible" because they are using different MPI implementations, so never ever try to use both in your code. In case of doubt, if you are not using mpi4py and do not need it, I suggest to just uninstall it to save you of potential headaches in the near future.

  4. zheng li reporter

    Ok. When I specify the MPI used by PETSc and rebuild mpi4py, there is an error like this:

    unable to execute '/usr/local/petsc/linux-gnu/externalpackages/mpich-3.1.3/src/env/mpicc': Permission denied failure. removing: _configtest.c _configtest.o error: Cannot compile MPI programs. Check your configuration!!!

    even I use root privilege. How to fix this?

  5. Lisandro Dalcin

    I think you have to add $PETSC_DIR\$PETSC_ARCH\bin to your $PATH, the path within `$PETSC_DIR\$PETSC_ARCH\externalpackages is not the right one. Anyway, if you do not need mpi4py, just removing it (or otherwise ignore the test failure) is fine.

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