Access to timings data

Issue #49 closed
Fabio Luporini created an issue


I want to access the time spent in some PETSc.Log.Event regions that I define

I tried in several ways and searched for similar questions, but no luck.

The closest thing I got to is PETSc.Log.view(), which only prints the summary. I want to access the actual values, for example in a dictionary (e.g., {'MatAssemblyBegin': (..., X secs, ...). I also tried going through viewFromOptions, but again nothing.

I finally tried running my program with -log_summary, but the timing_data file is generated only at the end of the computation. If I managed to get it early, I could access it to get what I need, but I'm surprised there's no easy way of doing this. However, I'd still prefer a simple function that gives me the time for each stage.

Thanks for looking into this

Comments (3)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    Dear Fabio, there is not enough manpower to wrap every single call in PETSc and expose it in petsc4py in a pythonic way. However, I would happily review a patch or pull request adding this feature. Any chance you are brave enough to contribute?

  2. Fabio Luporini reporter

    Lisandro, thanks for this. I'll try to see what I can do once I get back from holiday. Thanks for the clarification.

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