VecStrideNormAll etc available?

Issue #52 closed
Matthias Sitte created an issue

Is there support for VecStrideNormAll() and related functions? I couldn't find anything in the sources, so I assume no?

If not, what would be required to get it into petsc4py? pull request?


Comments (6)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    That routine is not wrapped. I you can contribute with a PR, I'll happily review and merge it.

  2. Matthias Sitte reporter

    OK. The code is a bit hard to digest when you look at it the first time. Not impossible, though. Any coding guidelines, tips, etc?

  3. Lisandro Dalcin

    Give me some time, I'll post here the implementation for VecStrideNormAll(), then you can also add wrappers for VecStride{Min|Max}All() (the implementation for these should be the same), and submit the PR. Does it look like a good deal for you?

  4. Matthias Sitte reporter

    I've already started working on VecStrideNomAll(). Maybe I finish this one, create a PR and you review before I do another one?

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