Mat.getDenseArray unsafe

Issue #57 closed
Lawrence Mitchell created an issue

getDenseArray is implemented as:

    def getDenseArray(self):
        cdef PetscInt m=0, N=0, lda=0
        cdef PetscScalar *data = NULL
        CHKERR( MatGetLocalSize(self.mat, &m, NULL) )
        CHKERR( MatGetSize(self.mat, NULL, &N) )
        lda = m # CHKERR( MatDenseGetLDA(self.mat, &ld) )
        CHKERR( MatDenseGetArray(self.mat, &data) )
        cdef int typenum = NPY_PETSC_SCALAR
        cdef int itemsize = <int>sizeof(PetscScalar)
        cdef int flags = NPY_ARRAY_FARRAY
        cdef npy_intp dims[2], strides[2]
        dims[0] = <npy_intp>m; strides[0] = <npy_intp>sizeof(PetscScalar);
        dims[1] = <npy_intp>N; strides[1] = <npy_intp>(lda*sizeof(PetscScalar));
        array = <object>PyArray_New(<PyTypeObject*>ndarray, 2, dims, typenum,
                                    strides, data, itemsize, flags, NULL)
        CHKERR( MatDenseRestoreArray(self.mat, &data) )
        return array

That is, we get a reference to the array inside the matrix with MatDenseGetArray, create a numpy array wrapping that data, then call MatDenseRestoreArray. But now, there are two different ideas of the scope of the array. If I do:

mat = createDense(...)

arr = mat.getDenseArray()

del mat

Then arr is now pointing to deallocated memory, because it holds no reference to the matrix it came from. I guess to do this "properly" one would have to mimic the _Vec_buffer stuff for Vecs? Alternately, this could just return a copy of the data (as happens in various other places). WDYT?

Comments (3)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    Your diagnosis is correct. The Mat.getDenseArray() is unsafe. As using dense matrices in the context of PETSc is a bit unusual (at least from my POV), I did not care too much about the potential issues.

    One obvious fix is to make a copy, but given that dense matrices are quite "fat" things, I think this would be bad. So the reasonable alternative is to implement something similar to _Vec_buffer, let say _MatDense_buffer.

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