Expose DMPlexGetAdjacency

Issue #59 resolved
Francesco Caimmi created an issue

Would be a nice addition, since most of the other Adjacency routines have been already exposed.

Comments (5)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    The branch petsc4py/master should be used with petsc/master. Are you using a release version or PETSc, or the petsc/maint branch? In that case, you cannot use my last commit. I have to cherry-pick the commit to the petsc4py/maint branch, and you must switch to that branch.

  2. Francesco Caimmi reporter

    I was using petsc maint branch, using petsc4py/maint now compiles without issues. Thank you very much.

    I checked the results from dm.getAdjacency() using the mesh generated by PETSc.DMPlex().createBoxMesh(2) and the results are the expected ones.

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