PETSc4py and mpi4py

Issue #77 invalid
fatemeh created an issue

Hi, I am beginner in using PETSc for solving linear systems. I want to solve Poisson equation in parallel by using PETSc4py and mpi4py. I couldn't find any similar example or code. I have written a code which solves the model with PETSc4py solver 'cg'. Could you please help me in parallelizing it? Do you have any sample code?

Comments (2)

  1. Lisandro Dalcin

    mpi4py is usually not required, at least not for a beginner level. About examples, it depends on how you want to do. Did you look at the demo/ directory?

    PS: These kind of questions are more appropriate for the petsc-users mailing list, this issue tracker should be used for questions about actual bugs and feature development discussion.

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